* Max is lounging outside the cafeteria doors near GreatAl 103 when Karasu arrives there. * Max still has splatters of blood on his armor and around his mouth. ( Is he alone? ) ( Yes. ) * Karasu approachs, slowly but sternly. * Max licks his chops. * Max belches loudly. I think your girlfriend gave me gas. * Karasu puts his arms in his pockets. You wanted to fight, didn't you. Even though you knew you weren't good enough. * Karasu nods. Possibly. * Max sneers at Karasu. * Karasu is unphased, in all his bishiness. How NOBLE of you. Wanting to avenge your girlfriend. Hm. Is that what it is? I don't care. Go away. You're no fun at all. No emotions. * Karasu shrugs. "You could be right." Then why are you still here? Hmm... Why... Well... It bothers me what you did to my teammate, but that's not really it. And I don't care about the match so much... * Karasu shrugs. "I guess it's because I don't like you." Feh. You're not very good at this. Others would agree, I'm sure. You don't make a good avenging angel. YOu don't even make a good arrogant antagonist. Suppose I don't. Again, I'm sure many people would agree with you. But the fact remains, I am here. Why should that matter to me? Because I want to hurt you. Ooooh, you want to "hurt" me. I'm so scared. * Max cowers away from Karasu. I don't particularly care. Do you want to fight here, or go somewhere else? I don't want to fight you. You're no challenge, no more than your girlfriend was. At least _she_ tasted good. That's too bad. Because I'm going to fight you. And you wouldn't want to taste my blood. It might teach you what evil really is. * Max rises to his full height and looks down at Karasu. You have no idea what evil is. * Karasu ... smirks? Yes, he smirks! "You're just a fake." You wear dark armor and bite people. You hurt. But that's not true evil. True evil is something you couldn't begin to fathom. Oh, and I suppose you could. You look more like a succubus than a warrior. I could. I do. You think you could... then bring it. I won't even need my sword. * Karasu turns so he's sideways, brushing his trenchcoat back. "It'll be a pleasure." * Karasu starts glowing with darkness! * Max looks unimpressed. * Karasu charges forwards at Max, appearing as a blur. He spins and throws a knifehand, wrapped in darkness. "Raven Nine-Needle Slasher!" * Max stands stock still and allows the first hit to slam into his midsection. * Karasu spins and throws the follow-up kick. * Max is slammed backwards straight through the door to the cafeteria, breaking a small scaffold that the Peps had set up yesterday. * Karasu stays where he is, launching a wave of darkness at Max. "Raven Wing!" * As you arrive at the hall outside your room, you see Karasu launch a Raven Wing through the broken cafeteria doors at Max, the one who took Hope down. * Atsuko blinks and stares. ...! * Max stands up and is nailed in the chin by the Raven Wing, but barely budges. * Max walks back out of the shattered cafeteria door towards Karasu. * Max breaks into a run and slams a hamfist into Karasu's gut, throwing him back almost to his newly arrived friends. * Hope growls and rushes at Max. "YOU!" You like biting people? Let's see you try it when I knock your fucking teeth out. Wa...wait! * Karasu gets to his feet and moves in front of her. "Stay back, Hope! You can't fight him now." No! I'm going to beat the shit out of him myself. ... Hope, I don't know if this is a good idea, but... * Karasu scowls. "Mariah! Atsuko! Stop her!" * Hope hopefully has her sword, because she's gonna try to beat the shit out of this guy no matter what. * Karasu whips around towards Max. * Mariah looks at Karasu. "I can't." Hope! Please! * Karasu shoves Hope into Mariah and Atsuko, then whips around and darts towards Max so fast only a blur can be seen. * Karasu does a familiar move, slashing with a darkness-covered knifehand. "Raven Nine-Needle Slasher!" * Max slams himself to the side, letting Karasu pass by him, and lashes out, slamming a fist into Karasu's chest. * Hope rushes at Max again, cuz she was pushed and such. What the hell is this? Do we have to challenge you again, you stupid little OOOOOF. * Max is slammed in the side with Hope's sword while he's talking, and from there into the wall, leaving a Max-shaped crater. * Karasu turns and gives Hope a quick but strong chop to the neck. * Karasu turns back to Max and throws his arms apart, sending a dark wave at Max. "Raven Wing!" * Max raises his arms in front of his head as the projectile impacts, forcing him back into the crater, but not digging it any deeper. * Max lunges out of the crater for Hope, reacing out a grasping hand. * Hope blocks the grasping hand. * Hope decks Karasu in the face. "Why the hell are you HITTING ME?" * Karasu ducks grabs Hope's arm and spins her, shoving her away from Max and himself. "Because this is MY fight!" * Karasu spins around and tosses a kick at Max. * Hope spins instead, towards Max. * Max takes the kick on his forearm, letting the armor absorb the damage. * Max slams his fist into Hope's gut as she spins towards him, slamming her back the way she came and well past, all the way back out to land braced against the feet of the statue of Alexander the Great, completely unconscious. THERE! * Max turns back to Karasu. Hope! * Atsuko runs over to Hope. Now, let's get back to business. * Mariah approaches Hope slowly. "Is she... okay?" * Karasu slashes out at Max with his darkness-covered hand, and oh, he does not look happy. Which is a first, considering... "Raven Nine-Needle Slasher!" * Atsuko looks Hope over. "Uh..." * Hope is still breathing, and not bleeding. She's okay...mostly. * Max is caught in the gut with the opener and grunts as it penetrates his armor. That's good... * Karasu strikes, hopefully at the same spot, with a follow up kick. * Max turns slightly with the blow and the kick glances off a spot slick with Hope's blood. * Karasu continuse the spin, with a darkness-covered palm towards Max's head. * Max brings a fist across, knocking the darkness-engulfed hand just to the side so that it barely misses him. * Max opens his other fist and slams his open palm at Karasu's solar plexus, engulfed in darkness much like Karasu's. "Darkness rising!" * Karasu catches the attack with his own hands, redirecting it to the side. * Karasu looks beat to all hell, mind, but he doesn't care much about that right now. * Max lunges forward, bringing his knee up into Karasu's gut, sending him skidding backward towards his teammates. * Atsuko moves Hope's unconcious body off to the side to decrease the chances of Karasu being knocked into her or something. * Karasu skids backwards, but stays standing. * Mariah helps Atsuko move hope before sitting down to catch her breath. * Karasu tosses a wave of darkness. "Raven Wing!" * Max crosses his arms in front of him, letting his armor take the majority of the damage. GO DOWN, damn you! If you're this tough, why didn't they let YOU fight? * Mariah looks at Max like she wants to say something, but she stays silent. * Karasu charges at Max. "Make me. Raven Nine-Needle Slasher!" * Max turns sideways, taking the blow on his shoulder armor. * Karasu spins and follows through with the kick. * Max takes the kick right on his back, and stumbles forward, catching himself on the wall with one hand. * Atsuko watches the fight from a distance. * Max spins and lashes out with a backfist at Karasu's head. * Karasu blocks with his shoulder. * Max brings his other fist whisling around to slam into Karasu's jaw, launching him across the corridor into the wall. * Karasu wipes some blood from his mouth and charges right back in. "Raven Nine-Needle Slasher!" This fight would be more interesting if he had more moves :P * Max reaches out and catches Karasu's fist in his much bigger hand. * Karasu hits him with the other fist :P * Max twists to one side, keeping his hold on Karasu's fist and lets the hit go right past him. RAGE OF DARKNESS! Oh no... ... this isn't good. * Max slams a glowing black hand straight at Karasu's ribs. * Karasu blocks with his leg, then snatches Max's hand in his own. * Max screams as the glow rockets up from his arm to envelop his head. He slams his glowing head straight at Karasu's nose. * Karasu pulls Max's arm up so the his head hits his own hand. Then he spins the big man around and trips him onto the ground. Max is covered by dark energy as Karasu feeds it directly into him. "Raven Spoiler!" * Max screams as the feedback loop is supplemented by Karasu's dark energy. His back arches so that his legs and torso are both nearly vertical, and then he collapses into unconsciousness. ... * Karasu turns Max over with his foot. "That's for Hope." ... how did you do that? ...what WAS that? * Karasu looks over at Mariah. "He made me angry. Mistake."