[Friday of second week. Plenty of stuff has happened, some good, some bad. Hope vented some anger on Tulpa by breaking his nose, though from his appearances around school it doesn't appear to have stuck. Karasu has been mostly successful in avoiding his crazy stalker chick, and Isaac and Kairi are going on and on about something called "Shaman Training."] [It's friday afternoon, and classes have just let out for the week.] [Mini... Start!] * Karasu heads for a walk! * Karasu has a lot of choices for where to walk. He could go to the courtyard, and risk meeting anybody, or he could go to the library, and risk meeting anybody, especially Tulpa, who seems to make that his den of scum and villainy. Or he could wander down to the town and see what pops up. * Karasu heads to town for now. * The exodus of students abandoning the school for a hearty night on the town is just beginning to start as Karasu makes his way out of the castle and to the main gates. Already halfway down the mountain are Ao-Lang and Ryo, walking down arm-in-arm, obviously off for a nice, private date. * Karasu heads on down. If he cares, it doesn't show. * Karasu is about halfway down the mountain, and just beginning to sweat from the strain of not running down at top speed, when the shrill laugh of his crazy stalker chick comes from behind, near the top of the mountain. * Karasu casually looks back over his shoulder. * Karasu doesn't stop walking, however. * Karasu is nearly caught flatfooted by Tanisha's sheer speed as she comes barreling down the mountainside, arms outstretched to catch him. * Karasu moves? <.< * Tanisha stumbles as her target moves aside and goes tumbling down the mountain to land in a crumpled heap at the bottom. * Karasu hurries down after in a non-tumbling fashion. * Tanisha is still in a heap when Karasu arrives at the bottom of the mountain. * Karasu squats down. "You shouldn't run so fast down the mountain. It's dangerous." He offers her a hand, though. * Tanisha looks up at Karasu gratefully and takes his hand. "Um... thanks." * Karasu pulls her up. Why did you move out of the way though? *pout* Because I didn't want to wind up in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the mountain. I trusted you to stop me. You're good enough. Well, I wasn't expecting that. * Tanisha gets a glazed look on her face as she recites, "A martial artist must be prepared for anything." So what would you do if there were a sudden earthquake? I'd... uh... get under the gates, I guess. * Karasu chuckles. "It isn't possible to be prepared for everything." You sure can try, though. Where ya goin'? * Karasu shrugs. "Don't know. Thought I'd look around. I might go to the arcade later, too." Ooooh, wanna play some Fight Night 2003? It's not as good as Battle High, but it's more active. I bet we could really push it to the limits. * Karasu nods. "I'll give it a try." * Tanisha grabs Karasu's arm and pulls him off towards the Arcade. * Karasu is pulled. * As you near the arcade, the clothing stores come into view, and Karasu spots Tulpa, looking very much like Max, coming out of the Gap. Only someone so evil would shop at that store. * Tulpa is carrying a pair of bags both full of clothing, and paying little attention to anything not in front of him. * Karasu looks to Tanisha. "Hold on a moment." He then moves in front of Tulpa. * Tulpa looks up as Karasu steps in front of him. His green eye glows balefully, and his nose looks decidedly not broken. "What do you want?" A small number of things. First, what happened between you and Hope? She attacked me. I defended myself. The fan-girl kept me from defeating her as she deserved. * Karasu looks surprised. "Ao-Lang? Hmm." I find it hard to believe that she'd be able to stop you. I had just come into this new power. Were it to happen now, I would feast on their innards. * Tanisha goes all starry-eyed. *_* That's too bad. I agree. You would be better off without those weaklings. Probably, but I can't do anything about it, either. Kill them in their sleep. I agree! * Karasu casually looks over his shoulder at Tanisha again, then turns back to Tulpa and shoves his hands in his pockets. "Not my style." Feh. Your style is insufficient. I wouldn't say that. It got you that soul you wanted. Yes, it did. I was not expecting you to bring the soul to me, but I was... pleased with the results. * Karasu rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, about that..." I forgot to mention at the time, but you can only have it temporarily. That is unacceptable. Well, to be fair, it wasn't an offer, either. Your power is insufficient to enforce your will upon me. * Karasu shrugs and turns sideways, keeping his gaze on Tulpa. "It wouldn't be the first time you've underestimated my power, would it? Besides, I don't really have a choice." Well, maybe I do. I just like this option better than the other. You are beneath my notice. Begone. * Karasu smirks. "Wasn't that way a few minutes ago, was it?" He starts walking away. "But I'll be off. The night's still young; no sense in wasting it bickering." A few minutes ago you weren't a simpering fool like the rest of your team. You're pathetic. * Tulpa continues on his way back to the school. * Karasu smirks. "You're either evil or pathetic, huh? Wonder which is better?" He doesn't raise his voice, not caring if Tulpa hears or not. I don't know... he's pretty cool. And powerful. Did you feel the way he radiated? * Tanisha gets a dreamy look on her face again. * Karasu shrugs. "If that's power, he can keep it." * Karasu is still walkin'. * Tanisha blinks a little and runs to catch up with Karasu. [End Mini]