[Last Time, on Battle High: Strike at Midnight. And oh what a strike. There was much mayhem. Half the school was drenched, people were tossed off the roof of the building, and oh my gawd, Hope tore a girl's arm off! Looks like they needed a new strategy. Let the crazy bitch with the sword bigger than Tokyo win.] [It's the next day, and people are only now waking up. You've got the day off from classes thankfully, so you've got a few hours to burn before your friends are out of class and ready to partay.] [Let's see how our heroes spend their real alone time.] [Session... START] * Ao-Lang seems to be trying to sleep in, or something, because she snuggles deeper into her blankets when Mariah's alarm goes off. * And today, even Mariah isn't promptly alarm-attentive. It takes her several groggy minutes to stagger out of bed. ".. hmph." She's looking much better, albeit her jaw still looks swollen and bruised. * Kairi is sitting in the living room *already*, apparently busy inspecting his bo; someone got up early, either due to routine or general having-trouble-sleepingness. "... at this rate, I'll need a new one a month... mmmn." * Ao-Lang produces a pillow from somewhere under the covers and throws it, without looking, at the alarm. * Ao-Lang turns over. * Mariah turns the alarm off and heads out into the common room, flumphing onto a chair. "Hey.." ... oh! Hey, Mariah... good morning. ^^ Morning. What's up? Just looking over my weapon of choice and... thinking about last night. * Mariah nods. "Thought I heard you -- I need to look into getting my new one reinforced.. but yeah. It was kinda a thing. Kinda? It was more than just a thing. It was... gyah, it was a *thing*. .. yeah, but... sorry, kinda tired, not all here right now. -- Yeah, it was a total thing. * Ao-Lang eventually emerges from her and Mariah's den of evil. Er... room. She mutters something that might be good morning as she goes straight for the bathroom and shuts the door. * Kairi waves blindly in Ao's direction. "But... well, it's over. Just hoping everything turns out okay." I know. I hope.. I hope nobody got hurt too badly. .. well, you know. Hurt too permanently badly, and... ... that came out kind of dumb, didn't it? Not really. I understand you. *** Syzix is now known as Isaac * Kairi tucks the bo away... somewhere. He's good at that. "Everybody hurts sometimes, especially here..." * Mariah nods. "I'm glad you did. .. sorry, realizing how hard I got hit in the head. But... yeah." * Isaac pops out in front of Kairi. ~What're you thinking of? I mean, I try not to pry, but...~ ^_^ *** Ao-Lang is now known as IdleAo * Kairi starts, even considering how much he really should've expected that. "Gyah! Isaac... um... well... not much, really. Just last night." -- oh, hey! ~Oh, really? That's cool. Yeah?~ Yeah. Not much else... wanna have some fun to clear my head. * Isaac blinks, then dives through the floor as if forgetting about something. * Mariah blinks. And blinks again. ".. huh. Wonder what he was up to? But yeah, I could use something fun,.. Really. Of course, knowing Ao, she'd probably have us doing something odd and potentially embarrasing... I'm still trying to forget about the dress... I should be used to that stuff by now... Well, I know she doesn't really mean ill or anything. She's just... I figure she likes to be in control of situations. Can't blame her, that kind of thing doesn't happen often here. * Mariah shrugs. "I understand that. I just.. I dunno. I'm not sure how to get along with her.' Do what I do. Just let it all roll off you. Either she'll get tired or she'll try harder. That, in a way, is another kind of training. Keeping someone out of your head. ^^ .. that's a good point. I'll do my best. Placidly amidst the noise and the haste, right? Mmm-hmm. * Kairi nods thrice. "... I never did talk with you much, Mariah. Why do you fight?" .. it's sort of weird. It's.. well, when I really started to get into magic, right? I sort of ended up being able to.. well, you know. Blast stuff. ... ah! * Kairi says as much as if that was all the explaination he needed to know. And so my folks thought I should take up martial arts. For discipline. It was sort of an accident. I feel kind of weird, since I know a lot of you guys have been training a lot longer than I have.. Well, training it one thing... but if you have the desire and the raw talent, you can go far. * Mariah nods. "Yeah. .. geez, I should go get dressed, shouldn't I? I'll be back in a couple minutes." She stands up and heads back into her room. * Kairi nods. "Okay! I'll be here, waiting for the Apocalypse." ^^ * Ao-Lang opens the door and exits along with steam, half-dry, wrapped in a towel and ruffling her hair with another. She blinks. "Where's Mariah? Thought she got out of bed before me." * Isaac pops out of the floor again, grinning. ~Hi Ao! Where'd Mariah run off to? She wanted to ask me something. ^^;~ * Ao-Lang shrugs, and the towel doesn't fall off. "Hell if I know." She went to get dressed. And... yeah. * Kairi shrugs lightly. Oh, damn. That's what I was gonna do. * Ao-Lang grins, then sits next to Kai, nakedness and water on furniture be damned. "So, whatcha up to?" Then... wait? I dunno what you two have worked out in terms of roomage... er... well. We were just talking about things... * Kairi gives Ao a look of sheer and total confusion. * Ao-Lang waves him off. "She might get upset if I walk in and expose her body to the world. So remind me to do it later." * Isaac 'sits' on the floor. ... um. Er... welcome back, Isaac. ~Aww, why would she be worried about that?~ ^^ * Ao-Lang grins. "Can't imagine." I... can't speak for her, but I can imagine having some sort of privacy would be nice... * Ao-Lang laughs. "Mariah's just the sort who'd want privacy." * Isaac smiles. ~I guess she is.~ ... what does that mean? ~She likes the security, of course.~ ^_^ * Ao-Lang sighs, then explains very slowly, "It means, Kai, that opening the door while she's getting dressed isn't good for your health." * Ao-Lang continues toweling her hair. ~That too.~ Well, true. I wouldn't do that at all, so there's no need to remind me. Hey, you're the one who asked what it means. No, I meant what you were inferring when you said that. ~Who said she was inferring anything?~ * Kairi gives Ao a critical eye, brow arched suspiciosly. * Ao-Lang smirks right back, then grabs the remote with her free hand and turns the television on. I know you, Ao-Lang. You are layered, like an onion. ~Or an ogre.~ I smell *much* better than an onion. Well, yes, but the analogy stands. * Mariah walks back in, fully dressed and looking a little more world-ready. "Hey -- oh, Ao, sorry about the wait!" * Isaac waves at Mariah. ~Hi Mariah! What'cha want to ask me, now?~ * Ao-Lang nods at Mariah. "Yeah, I really just wanted to see how Kai'd react to a wet and half-naked female sitting next to him." She tosses the remote into his lap, gets up, and wanders off to change clothes. ... wait, what? * Mariah sits down again. ".. wanted to ask you? Where you were going, I guess, but it's no big." * Kairi catches Ao as she ambles off, and blinks a few times. "... now why'd you go and do that?!" * Ao-Lang doesn't answer. She shuts the door instead! Ao's a strange one. Just a little, yeah. ~I don't think so.~ ^_^ Isaac, if we're going to become better together, we're going to have to sych just a tiny bit more mentally. ~But... No offense, but there's not much there *to* synch to.~ ^^; ... Isaac, you're too mean. -_- * Isaac frowns and pats Kairi on the head. ~I'm sorry, but if we're going to synch better, you could stand to, um... think a bit more?~ Oh, c'mon, guys, don't argue like that.. you make a great team! ~He's right, though. I can't completly cut loose while merged with him...~ I do think! Really. It's just... well, maybe I'm just a *bit* direct. .. well, okay. ~Yeah. You don't think about what you're going to say. Ever. I know. ^^;~ Well, I've always gone on instinct, because... well... it's worked so far. * Kairi shurgs lightly. "But I guess I'll try..." Well, you guys are just going to have to meet halfway. .. we could kinda all work on that, I think. We could! Then maybe Ao would be less... Ao-ish. * Mariah smiles nervously. "That'd help." ~Why'd you want Ao to be less Ao than she is?~ * Ao-Lang opens the door. She's wearing something a bit different today: tight black jeans and a deep green, soft, form-fitting shirt with a low collar and long sleeves that flare out at the elbow. Her hair's done in a ponytail, too. She's holding a stack of stationary and a pen. "What's that about me?" ~Hi Ao-Lang!~ Well, only in the parts that seem to get a kick out of making me squirm and wear women's clothing. -- oh, hey.. nothing, really. * Kairi seems to not be phased by Ao's return. "Hey, Ao." Hey, if someone doesn't get a kick out of watching Kai squirm from wearing a skirt, something's seriously wrong. * Ao-Lang walks over to the table, sits, and picks a sheet off the stack. She starts writing. * Kairi sighs heavily. ~I know! It was funny.~ ^_^ .. what're you writing? Nothing you're gonna read. ~Is it a... Diary?~ Oh. Okay. Sorry, I was just curious. * Ao-Lang laughs. "No. If it were a diary, I'd never write in public like this." Just some letters. ~Family?~ Who else would I write to? So a letter to someone, then---ah, okay. I need to write back home myself... ~Friends home?~ Yeah, I should probably do that too. Just hasn't really been on my mind lately. * Ao-Lang rolls her eyes and keeps writing. * Isaac looks over Ao's shoulder. * Ao-Lang casually throws a fist in Isaac's face. It goes through, but the intent's pretty obvious. You should probably back off, Isaac. * Mariah winces slightly but doesn't say anything. * Isaac frowns. ~You could just ask. I wouldn't tell anyone anyways.~ He floats away from Ao. ... in any event, we need to figure out what we're going to do for fun later on. Any suggestions? I dunno, maybe go out? * Ao-Lang keeps writing, but says, "I'm gonna go into town. Just have to get back to studying tomorrow." Yeah, going into town sounds kind of good.. see if anyone else wants to? We could go to that one restaurant you showed me before, Ao. Maybe, yeah. * Ao-Lang looks up and glances around. "Hey, anyone seen Hope, or is she just sleeping in?" * Isaac 's eyes flash red. ~She's sleepin' in.~ * Mariah shrugs. "Haven't seen her. Guess she's sleeping in?" I can't blame her. She could use it. That's got to not be something you can just wake up and forget about. .. yeah. I'm gonna give her a couple of days to sort out her head, you know? What, cutting someone's arm off? Bet that girl's gonna withdraw within a week. * Ao-Lang goes back to writing. I hope she's okay. And hey, the infirmary's really good... We won't know until later, so... we wait and keep on going. Good enough to reattach an *arm*? You never know! ~Losing a body part is really painful, and the aftermath can leave psychological impressions that go beyond just the physical disability...~ Well.. I guess it's like what the principal says. It's up to her if she makes it or not. ~Um, they *can* reattach hands if they get severed. Because they are of the same body, the immune system doesn't need to be 'tricked' into accepting the old limb...~ ~I guess arms would work the same way?~ Like I said, I'll bet she withdraws, if anyone wants to take me up on it. * Mariah shrugs again. "I don't know, and I'm not the betting type. But I hope she doesn't." ~I hope Hope knows that people won't play nice with her anymore. I bet they'll aim for limbs, too.~ .. that's a worry. I know Hope was really angry, but I really don't like the idea of more people fighting like that. Some of them will. Tulpa would. * Ao-Lang picks up another page and starts on that one. "If you can't take the heat, get out of the fire." ~It's going to happen sooner or later.~ I know that. But just because it's going to happen doesn't mean I have to like it. It's not just gonna be Hope, you know. They don't gun for people. They gun for teams. With the Karasu thing, and now Hope, people are going to assume we fight dirty. Well... yeah. I expect some people don't care about others, but just because it can happen doesn't mean it's good. And... we don't, so we'll just have to fight the good fight and show them the truth. ~Yeah. I don't wanna be the bad guy!~ ;-; * Mariah shrugs. "Then we deal with that. .. so, should we go out, or wait to see if anyone else is around?" * Ao-Lang checks the clock. * There's a couple hours left before lunch, and thus the end of classes. Nobody but the other team, if you wanna talk to them. * Ao-Lang goes back to writing. "But they're in worse shape than we are." I think we should let them have time to recover and cool down. I imagine they aren't too happy right now. Yeah, true enough. We should give them some space. * Ao-Lang grins. "Well, Isaac could go talk to Cye or something." .. man, he'd hit the wall. Maybe literally. ~Why me?~ Because you can go into their room and nobody but Cye could see you. Just saying you could, not that you'd want to. Anyone want to change the tv to something good to listen to? * Isaac starts channel surfing. I never did like situations like this. * Ao-Lang doesn't respond to Kairi, opting to continue writing instead. Me neither. [Session... END!]