[Last Time, on BATTLE HIGH: People finally, at long last, ate lunch. Also, Hope's little escapade is drawing plenty of attention to y'all. Ao-Lang made out...er, OFF with Ryo halfway through lunch, dragging him off to goddess knows where, for some quality time, and Karasu finished eating all the cafeteria food within reach and then disappeared for parts unknown.] [The cafeteria is starting to empty out now, only a handful of people are left, among them Kairi, Mariah, Clinton, who are all sitting together at your team's customary seats.] [Session... START!] So, uh... what's around here to do, anyway? * Kairi is... finishing off the last of the red stuff like it's his last meal. Nope, he probably doesn't taste it. "Mmmmm!" ... then again... How often have you gone down to the city? There's plenty to do, especially if you like exploring. It's kind of embarrassing, but I don't get down there a lot -- I've been so busy... but tonight I'd really like to go and do something fun. Heeeey... mind if I tag along, Mariah? Fun's always better with friends, right? * Mariah` glances at Clinton, expression uncertain. "... uh... I don't mind if Clint doesn't mind. Is that okay, Clint?" Well, there's always the arcade, if you like video games. Or we could just hit the streets and explore. There are a lot of strange shops in the back alleys. * Kairi notes the uneasy glance and blinks. "Well... if I'm not imposing, anyway." ._. -- oh, no, it's okay. Hey, want to go shopping, maybe? We could just wander around. Sure! You wouldn't believe some of the stuff you can find if you wander the back streets. A couple weeks ago we found somebody selling shrunken voodoo heads. ... but why? I mean... why voodoo heads? The old woman said that they were knowledge charms, to help you learn. Clay bought four, one for every class he hates. Has it helped at all? We dunno yet, but he certainly thinks it is. We'll know when we get our grades in. Well, hey, if he thinks it is, maybe it is... anyway, that sounds pretty neat. I... see. * Kairi hrms. "Maybe I should buy one..." ... anyway! I'm good to go! Don't think I could eat another bite. Well, if we happen to find that old lady again, anyway. * Kairi nods... then eyes a bit of Red Stuff he missed and eats it. Liar. Well, anything we find might help. * Clint stands up quickly and grabs his tray. No point in going down to the city until around six or so, so I'll meet you at the gates around then? * Mariah` stands, nodding, with a smile. "Okay! See you then!" * Kairi disposes of his tray, then neatly wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Works for me.... thanks for having me along, even though I don't really know you well." * Clinton waves and smiles happily at both Mariah and Kairi. "Hey, no problem. Maybe I'll bring along a friend for you." She winks. Uh... r-right! ^_^; Hey, that'll be fun! [Later That Day, just after sundown, we find Kairi and Mariah just approaching the school gates, where they can just see Clinton, standing atop the arch over the gates.] * Mariah` has changed into more casual clothes, along with more jewelry than she wore during the school day. She's also carrying with her the two halves of her old staff. * Clinton waves happily as he sees Mariah come out the main doors. She's a little more casually dressed than earlier, in a loose yellow sweater and slacks. * Kairi is in his evening best... which just so happens to be his turtleneck and jeans. He looks uuuuup at Clinton and blinks. "... better view up there?" -- hi! I like it up here. I'm kinda fond of heights. That's pretty cool. I bet the view is great! Aaaaaah. I can understand... then again, the mountain's pretty high as it is. Well, if I stand outside the gates, the mountain starts on its workout bit, and if I stand inside, I can't see. So I stand up here, and get to see everything. .. that's a good point. Maybe I should try it sometime. Anyway, only one more person, then we can go. Oh? Your friend? Yep. Um... who'd you bring along, anyway? * Kairi rocks on his heels, looking around. * All around the schoolyard, people are slowly starting to go back inside for more studying, since tests are coming up soon. Yeah, I'm curious... * Clinton sighs a little and looks down at a delicate gold watch on her wrist. Oh, there he is! Hey Art! Over here! * Clinton waves wildly to someone behind Mariah. * Kairi turns around and looks towards whoever Art is. * Arthur Magnusson, the knight in shining armor himself, smiles broadly back at Mariah and Kairi as he walks up. "Good evening, ladies." .. Art? -- Oh! Arthur! Hi, it's nice to see you... Oh, Clint, you didn't tell me it was Mariah you called me out for. You should've told me. ... I'm not a lady. :/ .. uh... Actually, I called you out for Kairi, Art. ...oh. * Arthur stops at that, and turns and presents Kairi with a sweeping bow. "Very well, will you allow me to be your escort for the night, milady?" * Kairi waves to Arthur, still looking vaguely miffed---wait, more miffed. "I'm not a.... oh, never mind." -_- I didn't know you knew Arthur, Clint. I guess I forget what a small school this is! Actually, we were in junior high together, too. I was the first person Art ever asked out on a date. .... uh. I see. * Kairi looks at Arthur again and just seems to boggle. * Arthur sighs a little. "Do you always have to mention that, Clint?" * Mariah` laughs. "Really? That's wild! Did you guys go to a battle school?" Yeah, we went to Muhammad Ali Junior High. It was a blast. That must have been really exciting! Do a lot of your friends go here now? * Kairi follows the conversation, trying not to look too upset. Hardly any, really. Most of them only made it as far as Napoleon. C'mon, we can talk while we walk. * Arthur offers his arm to Kairi like a good gentleman. * Mariah` nods and starts walking. "Yeah, we really should... so, where to first?" Well, all the really good places are off the main road, so I figured we'd walk down there and turn off about halfway to the Gap. We don't wanna go too close, we'd end up in a fight. ... I'll be alright, thanks. -_- Yeah, that sounds like the best idea... * Arthur gives Kai a kinda confused look. Just... um.... * Kairi looks at Clint for a moment and just seems to mentally flail before offering said arm. "Alright, alright." -_- There a lot of people looking for a fight around the Gap? The Gap is where the really unsavory fighters hang around. Like that Tulpa guy. * Mariah` pales. "... yeah. Let's turn before it, okay?" .... mmmn. Tulpa. * Kairi shakes his head slowly. Yeah, we all pretty much try to avoid the Gap. Sounds like a good plan... Fair enough... can we head on now? ^^; [It doesn't take very long to get to the bottom of the mountain, and the city has already come alive with lights. The main strip isn't quite Vegas in scale, but Vegas is what it dreams of being someday. [Anyway, the main strip is boring, except for the arcade and the restaraunts, some of which are fast food joints with walk-up windows, just because.] Well, I'm not sure it's all here exclusively for us, but it sorta seems like it sometimes. Bright doesn't even begin to describe it. But it's... nice. But if anybody deserves a city centered around them, it's you. Well, still, what else is here? ... yeah, I really don't come down here that often, do I? Not nearly often enough. You guys wanna grab something to eat while we're on the main strip? ... sure. o_o * Kairi doesn't exactly know how to parse that last bit, and just kinda goes along for the ride. Sure, let's get dinner.. do you guys want to do fast food or actually sit down? THere's a Kopp's up ahead, if you like ice cream and burgers. I don't mind, really. Anything works... * Arthur peers ahead. "Hey, looks like the custard flavor of the day is... grasshopper fudge." That's cool with me -- grasshopper fudge? .. is that like mint and chocolate, or.. actual grasshoppers? ... I'd try it. Mint and chocolate, with bits of real fudge in. It's great stuff. Made fresh while you watch, too. Oh, nice! * The big friendly sign is now in sight, advertising the flavor of the day. * There's a large open area in front of the restaraunt with well-separated circular picnic tables dotting what could pass for a small park. The restaraunt itself doesn't appear to have any indoor seating, though. Just lots and lots of people moving in and out very quickly. Busy. Really busy... at least we'll be served fast. I am a bit hungry... Kopp's is always busy. I don't think I've ever seen it slower than this. * It's not hard to get in line, really, and even as you get in line, still more people are getting into line behind you. * It takes no time at all to get up to the counter. Man, this is worse that Uncle Jarod's Dog Barn... that was an awesome place. I had my own table... they even named a hot dog after me! * Arthur gives Kai an odd look. "Um... sure. Anyway, go ahead and get whatever you like." ... grilled onions, lime wasabi mustard and swiss... oh! R-right! Hmm... okay... well, you guys order first, I'm thinking. * Clinton looks over the menu for a moment. "Gimme a cone of grasshopper fudge and a hamburger, please." * Kairi seems to be thinking as well. "Hrm... you sure about this, Arthur? I'm pretty hungry." ^^; Relax, it's my treat. * Kairi proceeds to order two doubles with the works, along with matching orders of onion rings and a cone of peanut butter. "... that should do it. Thanks!" .. uh, okay. I'll have a fish sandwich and a cup of the grasshopper fudge, please. * Arthur kinda goggles a little at the sheer amount of food ordered. "Um... are you sure about that?" Positive. ^_^ Sure. Um, gimme a cheeseburger, fries, and a cup of grasshopper fudge. * Ping. The total comes up as just under 40 bucks. * Mariah` reaches into the pocket of her jeans, pulling out a wallet. "Okay..." * Arthur and Clinton slap down twenties in almost perfect unison. ... whoa. Relax, it's our treat. -- seriously, guys, it's okay, I have money too! ... well, okay, if you insist... (Didn't take long for her to change her mind. ;P) * Arthur grabs the promptly presented tray of food, surprised at the sheer weight, and heads for one of the tables. * Kairi seems a bit more willing to be considered a woman when food's involved. "So... um... Arthur..." He follows like a lost puppy. "... before I eat, I really need to tell you something." What's that? * Mariah` follows Arthur, unconsciously wincing a little. ... um... it can wait until after dinner. ^_^; * There was eating. * Hey, this *was* a good idea, guys. Yeah, too bad we can't afford to have it all the time. It's about as good as fast food can get. Well, if we didn't eat cafeteria food all the time, it probably wouldn't seem so nice to get out and go places. Well, sure, but I think this place would be good regardless. * Kairi definitely seems to enjoy the burgers. He eats properly, though. No big mess is to be had. * Mariah` nods, eating.. well, decorously. As much as one can, anyway. "That's true.." This is heaven. ^_^ I'm glad you like it. So.. we ready to get going? Sure, I'm finished. I'm almost done, yeah! .. oh, okay! * Kairi packs in the last few bits of his yogurt and sighs. "... most satisfying." I can't believe you ate all that. I could barely finish the one hamburger. Well, Kai's busy with stuff. Aren't you? Hmm? I have a really high metabolism. And... uh? * Kairi seems to Not Get what Mariah's asking. You know, studying, the whole shaman thing... I guess it takes a lot of energy. Oh! Yeah, it does... Isaac's a handful, and it does wear me out a little. Oh, -you're- the new Shaman? * Kairi nodnods. "Uh-huh!" That must be really exciting. I'd heard it was a guy, though. * Clinton snorts. .. uh... Kai... ... yeah, it's funny you should mention that. ^_^; * Kairi sighs. "I really didn't have the heart to say it outright... you were being so nice." -_- * Arthur looks confused. . maybe you should be a little more direct. R-right. Arthur, I'm a guy. * Arthur's jaw drops. ... am I that feminine-looking? Be honest. * Clinton giggles. "Yes." ... really? o_o I dunno, I never really noticed, but... maybe that's just me? Um... yeah. Yeah, you had me fooled. I'm really sorry if I confused you or anything. I'll make it up to you somehow! .. I'm sorry, guys. This is kind of awkward, huh? * Arthur slaps his forehead. Clint, I'm going to get you for this. ... uh? * Kairi takes the longest time to think of something to say. And all that comes out is "So... um." .. so. Where to from here? * Mariah is trying to look cheerful and in no way awkward, not at all. I dunno! I'm up for anything, really! * Kairi attempts to use enthusiasm to hide awkwardness. Well, didn't you say there were some interesting places around here to shop, Clint? Yes and no. There's no telling what's around any given night. Unless you're here on the main strip. I don't know about you guys, but I'm up for a little exploring. Oooh... random's good. And sure. Just... so long as we steer clear of the Gap, okay? We could wander around the dock side of the strip. Any shops or weird peddlers there? You never know, really. Strange people do hang at the docks a lot, and some gangs of normal high schoolers. But this city's got an odd tendency to have strange merchants pop up in back alleys that are selling strange merchandise. And they're not there when you go back, y'know? Carpe diem, then! ... or... you know, noctem. Whichever. * Kairi points semi-dramatically in what's probably not the direction of the docks, then. "Onward, then. To adventure!... and maybe a snack." You can't possibly be serious after what you just ate. Besides, the docks are on the other side. Away from the Gap. Okay! What are we waiting for, then? I have no idea. Let's go! * Clinton jumps up from his seat. ... oh. Right! * Kairi turns around and prepares to follow. "... maybe just a little snack." -_- * Mariah follows along at a good clip. "Oh, c'mon, we have food back at the room." If we get more food, you're paying. * Arthur hops up from his seat and follows quickly after Mariah. Oh, no problem! ^^ ... so. Arthur. This isn't... er... the first time Clint's done this? He never seems to get tired of it, really. I think it's revenge for me being the first person to ask him to dance. * Clinton giggles. It's uncanny. .. no offense, but I'm kinda glad nobody I knew in middle school is here. It'd be sort of weird. Yeah, but you didn't go to a fighting school. ... ah. Right. That's amazing, really. Most of the people here came from one fighting school or another. * Mariah shrugs. "Oh, I don't know. It was pretty rough..." Neither did I. The worst I ever kicked someone in school was during a soccer match. * Kairi winces. "Right in the goodies. He had a cup on, but it still looked like it hurt." * The streets just off the strip are still pretty nice, really, and you haven't had the bad luck to hit a residential area. It's still a far cry from back alleys, and the shops here are still fairly plentiful and mundane. There's even a laundry. Kinda like home. Only... not enough weird people in patent leather. Patent leather? Where are you from? .. patent leather? Seattle... or thereabouts. It's a weird place. I blame it on the coffee houses. I always heard Seattle was kind of... off. Oh, you don't know the half of it. ^^ I thought that was San Fransisco. I've always dreamed of going there. We went to San Francisco one year for summer vacation... it was pretty fun. Pretty different from Ohio, you know? Good place. Great food. Not like home, but what is? * Arthur leads the way around a corner, and you're in the back alleys, though this one doesn't look very interesting, Hmmm... ... are we there yet? Now you sound like my little brother. Heh. ^^; The main part of exploration is having patience. Sometimes it takes a while to find something interesting. .... yeah. Right. Okay. Not good with the patience thing sometimes. Hey, keep looking -- maybe you'll see something we miss? ... hey. Something down there! Yeah? * Kairi points down the street at one little door in particular. "Alfred's Rare Books... so there. C'mon!" He jogs on ahead of the pack. * Mariah stops, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "--oh, there it is!" She follows, picking up the pace a bit. * There is, in fact, a small and nondescript door with said sign on it. How Kairi read it at this distance is totally unknown, though. A bookstore. Huh. That's not what I expected. * Kairi opens up the door and hops inside. He almost really does hop. It looks kinda funny. * The door closes after him. * Mariah opens the door to follow Kairi in. * Kairi is effectively gone. All you can see, from the entrance, is a small counter with an ancient looking man sitting behind an old antique typewriter. Well, that and books. Lots and lots of books. All the walls may as well be made entirely of books. Same with the shelves. * Scratch that. Kairi is definitely gone. Probably lost in the immense stacks of books somewhere. Ooh, wow... * The man, presumably Alfred, looks up at the new customers. "Four customers today. Welcome to Alfred's rare books. Every book one of a kind, and here just for your perusal and perhaps your purchase." Thank you, sir! Do you have an occult section? * Alfred blinks. "My dear... it's -all- occult. Is there a particular type you're looking for?" * Clint blinks. "All occult? That's an awful lot of occult books." .. oh. Wow! Well, uh.. gosh, it's hard to choose, but if you have anything on the Tarot, that'd be interesting. Or on spirits. * rob is on IRC Books on tarot are four stacks back, six to the left. Spirits and shamanism are two stacks left of that. Books on the Spirits of the Tarot (You can hear the capitals) are one stack towards the front from there, in the middle. I see. Thank you, sir! * Mariah glances in that direction, apparently committing the directions to memory, before heading towards the Spirits of the Tarot stack. Nothing but occult books, huh? Actually, I have books on everything, Arthur. Even fighting. * Arthur stops in his tracks, letting Mariah take the lead. * Clint grabs Arthur's arm, shakes his head in warning, and follows after Mariah. * Mariah makes for the stacks, muttering to herself. "... hope I brought enough money for this..." -- I'm sorry, I'll try to be quick, okay? I don't want to bore you guys to death! * stacks prove totally unlabeled, but after a moment of searching, Mariah manages to find the Spirit and Shamanism section, and from there finding the long shelf with book after book, each labeled with a single tarot card, and emblazoned with the series name "Spirits of the Tarot" * Arthur and Clint say in eerie unison, "Don't worry about it." They appear to be studying some of the books just opposite the Spirits of the Tarot shelf. .. okay... * All the books look quite old, and are bound in various expensive looking materials. * Mariah reaches into her pocket idly as she scans the shelf. ".. I'm not even sure if I have enough money. At all." I wouldn't worry about it, if you can't cover it, I'll buy it for you. * Mariah glances towards the Spirits and Shamanism sectio. Really, it's okay -- I told my folks I wouldn't spend too much. You won't let me buy you a gift? .. well, I mean, if you wanted to, I couldn't stop you, but you really don't have to! * Arthur smiles a dazzling smile. "Of course not, that's what makes it a gift." Uh.. well, I'll let you know if I find anything, okay? * Mariah looks back at the Tarot shelf -- and stops in her tracks. "... oh. Oh my." * Clint turns around, a book open in his hands. "What's wrong?" A lot of these are gone. Some of them pretty recently. I'm... pretty sure this isn't a good idea. * Arthur turns around and fingers a book. "I think you should get this one. It suits you." Thanks, but... I think for now I'm just going to pick up a couple of others. I can always come back for more later, right? You can never be sure, really. This might be one of those places you can only find once. .. you have a point, but... I'm betting these books aren't cheap. I mean, even if I borrowed money from you guys... Relax. If we can't find it, we can't find it. Just pick a book or two, and we'll figure something out. Yeah, our treat. * Mariah nods. "Well, if you guys are sure..." She pulls two books off the shelves, very carefully: first the Chariot, then the Tower. * Arthur and Clint close up the books they're looking at and look at each other for a moment. Shall we go, then? I bet Kairi can find his own way out. Sure. If you guys are done? I can browse a little more if you still want to look. We're done. Definitely * Mariah attempts a smile. "Okay, sure! If you're ready." * Arthur takes the lead back towards the front of the store. * Mariah follows behind. * Alfred is already standing up and has just set his book down when you emerge from the stacks. He starts ringing up the books even as you're all walking up to the counter. The cash register wheels haven't stopped turning yet. * Mariah watches the wheels and attempts to hide growing trepidation. "Uh.. sir? I was wondering... I'm curious about other people here who study the Tarot, so I was wondering: did someone buy other volumes in this set recently?" Excellent choices all around, very good, very good. * Alfred looks surprised. "Yes, actually, somebody did buy several volumes just a few days ago. I'm afraid I can't tell you who, mind, but they definitely purchased several of those books. Oh, I see. That's really interesting... * The cash register stops spinning. It says "$250.00" * Mariah reaches into her pocket and frowns. "Uh... wow. Guys? I'm really going to have to pay you back for this." * Two sets of eyebrows go up as they see the total. I brought fifty dollars for emergencies... seriously, guys. I'll pay you back. Or I can put one of them back... * Arthur pulls out his wallet and opens it up. He withdraws a fat wad of bills, rolls several of them off, and forks them over, and quickly recieves change. No problem. * Alfred hands over a recipt and sits back down to read his book. .. y-you really didn't have to do that. Seriously... Relax, my folks are well enough off that that won't do more than make me eat cafeteria food for a week or so. * Mariah gathers up her books. "Well... okay. I guess. You guys still need to check out?" No, no, that was all of you. Run along, Mariah. Enjoy your books. .. oh. Okay. * Mariah takes that opportunity to scurry out... and exhales once she's out of the store. "Wow. That was really, *really* weird." Yeah, kinda. Expensive books, but I think it'll be worth it. I'll have to try and find this place again when I get more money, but -- weird. * Arthur looks down at the book in his hand and nods. "Definitely worth it." * Mariah nods. "So what did you guys find?" * Arthur hides his book behind his back. "Nothing important." Well, okay, if you're sure... [Session... END!]