[Last Time, on Battle High: More plans were made for the night's viewing of the Alexander 103 vs Musashi 102 fight. Also, Arthur and Mariah went to get snacks, and Karasu watched a crappy Pauley Shore movie.] [We open on Alexander 103, where Karasu is still watching a crappy movie some time later, though it's almost over, as Ao-Lang and Ryo walk in together.] [Session... START!] * Karasu watches the movie. It's very int.... ok, not interesting. But something. * Bad is the word Karasu's looking for. * Ao-Lang walks in, probably supported by Ryo. She looks like a mess, though that's not a surprise, given the fight and she hasn't been back to her room for a change of clothes and all. Her hair's disheveled, in particular, with her braids being nearly undone. "Hi Karasu." * Karasu waves without looking up. * Isaac looks carefully at Ao-Lang and waves timidly. * Ao-Lang smiles weakly at Isaac. What's going on? * Ryo helps Ao gently across the room towards one of the couches. * Ao-Lang reaches a couch, and she flops down on it without any hesitation. One hand stays around Ryo's arm, though, and she pulls him next to her. * Ryo doesn't put up a whole lot of resistance. * Ao-Lang looks at Isaac. "She did? Cool. Means Ryo doesn't have to do it." At that, she snuggles into him, using his shoulder and chest as a pillow. I don't have to do what? Get snacks. Oh! Great. I forgot about it, anyway. * Ao-Lang snickers. * Ao-Lang makes herself thoroughly comfortable and tries to watch... whatever the heck it is Karasu's watching. In fact, she asks, "Karasu, what're you watching?" * Isaac goes back to reading. * And speaking of snacks... enter Mariah, carrying a shopping bag. * Thanks to the magic of Battle High, Ao-Lang can understand the pain of Pauley Shore. * Arthur enters behind Mariah, carrying another three bags, all full of snacks. * Ao-Lang wrinkles her nose. "Yeeeah." She turns in Ryo's arm and looks over at the pair, waving. "Hey guys." Hey. We brought some stuff for watching the video... we had to guess on some of it, so sorry if we screwed up. Why worry about it? If nobody wants to eat it, it won't get eaten. I sorta figured Ryo would forget, so we went instead. * Ao-Lang grins. "He did." * Ryo looks embarrassed. Hey, fair enough. It's a pretty neat grocery store, really; they had a good selection. Guess that makes sense, with Battle High and all. So, you guys an item yet? * Arthur flinches. .. uh... * Mariah suddenly takes a vast interest in the ceiling tiles. * Ao-Lang looks curious. * Isaac grins,. What's 'uh' supposed to mean? * Arthur turns away quickly to set his bags on the counter. It means I don't know and who got the tape? * Ao-Lang snerks. "Not me." * Isaac shakes his head. I thought one of the Musashi guys was gonna get it. Tanisha has it. Cool. When are they getting here? * Mariah goes to set her bag on the counter next to Arthur's. Probably around five. Yeah, you two still have plenty of time to lounge around. * Ao-Lang nods, too, and her eyes drift closed. "Okay." .. lounging sounds kinda good. * Arthur nods in agreement. He's still fairly sweaty from the trek up the mountain. * Mariah flumphs down in an armchair. * Isaac staked out a nice position on the floor. * Arthur watches Mariah expectantly. * Karasu lounges. This movie's kind of amusing if you think about it the right way. * Karasu has quite obviously lost his mind. .. sorry. Were you thinking the couch? * Ao-Lang opens her eyes upon hearing Mariah's voice and looks at her and Arthur. * Arthur shakes his head a little, then looks at Ao-Lang, and says, "I think I need to go get a shower and change. Seeya tonight, Mariah." Okay! See you then. * Arthur turns smartly on his heel and pops out the door, pulling it gently closed behind him. * Isaac waves to Arthur. .. so, uh... what did you guys go do? If it's cool to ask. * Ao-Lang looks up at Ryo. * Ryo looks down at Ao-Lang. * Ao-Lang turns her mismatched eyes to Mariah. "It's not, really. You still want to know?" I'm not gonna push. If it's not cool, that' okay. * Ao-Lang shrugs and leans back into Ryo again. "We talked, made out, and I fell asleep." * Ryo laughs. "Nice description." * Karasu leans forward with interest.... at the movie. * Isaac smiles. * Mariah nods. "Makes sense to me." * Ao-Lang smiles a little. "Yeah." How about you? .. well, uh.. geez, I'm not sure how to say this. * Ryo grins and watches Mariah interestedly. When I came back here, I got... kind of angry. So I decided to move out. And by the time I realized I was moving into the captain's room, I was angry enough not to stop. ... So, what? So.. I don't know. I have no idea if this is binding or what, but... I don't regret it. * Ao-Lang stares at Mariah. She moves, slowly sitting up, and looks at Ryo, then Karasu, then Isaac. * Isaac peers at Mariah, his eyes briefly flashing red. * Karasu watches movie! ~Are you saying you want to be leader, or are you saying you want your own room?~ Can't I say both? ~You can, but I won't follow you as a leader.~ * Ao-Lang settles her gaze back on Mariah. Her expression is very neutral, but her look is hard. Look, I understand if people are angry, okay? I'm willing to step down if I can't do it right. But I want a chance to do something for this team for once. For *once*? Yes. So you're saying that you never pulled your weight, so you should be leader. * Isaac rubs his head. * Karasu raises his hand. "I support Mariah." No, I'm saying I don't want to be treated like a tool anymore. * Ao-Lang snorts. "Yeah. Like you'd change that by deciding to be leader without asking anyone." Maybe it *will.* What else am I supposed to do, be a doormat forever? * Ao-Lang keeps her eyes on Mariah. "Isaac? What do you think?" ~I'm unsure if she can handle it properly.~ Me too. You sure you want to give this a try, Mariah? * Karasu shifts his gaze away from the movie. On second thought, it wasn't that good anyhow. Because if you can handle it or not, we need to win. Yes, I'm sure. I'm prepared to do everything in my power for the team. As long as I can trust all of you to do your best and be honest with me, I think I can do this. Fine. Never wanted to be leader, anyway. And if I can't do it, I'll yield it. I want what's best for the team. ~Okay, but you'll need to fight smarter than you did last fight. And if you don't, I'll tell you.~ * Ao-Lang gets to her feet. "But I'm not going to lose because of you." She walks off to her room and pauses, looking back, her gaze still hard. "And Karasu? I don't need any moral superiority shit from you. I *know* you cornered Hope and attacked her. You said you thought she sucked as a leader before I ever did." ~I'll do my best as long as you give me a chance.~ * Ao-Lang steps into her room, slamming the door behind her. It's a controlled enough slam, but the room shakes. If you think I'm -- oh, never mind. * Karasu returns his gaze to the movie. ... I was about to say: if she thinks I'm not good enough, she can challenge me. Same goes for you two. ~Combat prowess is no measure of leadership ability. You *should* know that.~ I know that. I don't *want* this to come down to a fight, okay? But if people want a fight, I'll give them a fight. There's a lot of merit in giving the person who knows how to use their power best the first shot at leading. * Karasu gets up and wanders off. .. Ryo? Let her know that I'm sorry. I just... I acted rashly, I guess. I'm not trying to hurt her. I'm just so tired of being pushed around. * Isaac thinks, then signals to Mariah. That's all I'm asking for. * Ryo stands up and walks slowly to Ao-Lang's door and knocks gently. * Ao-Lang snaps from behind the door, "What?" * Ryo just opens the door slightly and slips inside. * Mariah sighs and slumps down in the chair. * Ao-Lang 's muffled yelling can be heard through the door: "What do you think I'm doing?!" .. oh, geez. I should start writing my will. Maybe I didn't. But I made my bed and now I have to lie in it. What, you've never made a rash decision? * Isaac nods. Normally when I get angry I just pout. This time I decided to actually do something. What's it to you, anyway? So what? I'm supposed to back down just because you're upset? I'm sorry I got angry, but I've been holding it in for a long time. I know that there's a different standard now and I'm prepared to meet it. * Isaac eyes Mariah. ~Why are you sorry you got angry?~ ~I'm sorry I got angry because it wasn't the right way to do things. That doesn't mean I'm going to back down or back off, but I'm sorry I did it in such a clumsy way. You're right that that's no way to act.~ ~You shouldn't be sorry for how you feel. That's who you are.~ * Karasu returns, with a milkshake. He sits down in his chair and picks up the remote, flipping though the channels. ~You *should* be sorry for what you do, but not how you feel.~ ~Well, then... I'm not sorry. I don't think what I did was wrong. It was rash, but it's something I want to do, for me and for the team.~ ~And that doesn't mean it's no way to act. You weren't honest to me, you weren't honest to Ao-Lang.~ He sighs. ~You may want to be leader in name, but until I see you earn it, that's all it is. Now, want to play some chess?~ ^^ ~... what do you *mean* I wasn't honest with you?~ ~Do you admit you wanted to do this?~ ~I want to do it now. I don't think I wanted to do it when I came back after lunch, but I've had some time to think. If you think I'm lying -- do whatever mind-stuff you want.~ ~I won't, because I can't see that helping one way or another. You should have been honest with your first decision. I... don't feel Ao-Lang is very happy with Karasu either.~ ~I was as honest as I could be. I'm sorry if you don't think so.~ * Isaac shrugs. ~I just want to stop thinking about it. Do you want to play a game now?~ * Ao-Lang opens the door. She stands there, in the doorway, leaning on Ryo and looking at Mariah. She looks miserable, frankly. * Mariah is not really looking non-miserable herself. ~Like what? Chess?~ * Karasu watches Darkman, while sipping his milkshake. * Karasu found a good movie. Woot. * Ao-Lang speaks up, quietly: "Hey, Mariah." ~Chess, Go... Something like that?~ Hey. What did I have left to prove? It... oh geez. It wasn't that you had anything to prove. It was that I just got so tired of feeling like the fifth wheel. ~There are only four of us.~ * Ao-Lang winces a little. * Isaac smiles. .. look, if I can't do it, the job's yours. I'm not going to hurt the team because of my ego. I just want my chance, too. * Ao-Lang sighs. "I had a feeling before any of this, but I don't understand." You and Karasu don't like me. I'm okay with that. But I don't get it. If it's just because you don't like me, okay. But I worked hard for the team. Maybe harder than anyone else, and I was good. .. I just... I've been working hard, too. But you think I shouldn't be here. You think I don't deserve it. Maybe you don't think that anymore, I dunno, but... I want to show you that that's wrong. * Karasu looks up. "I never said that." Then what is it? Why're you for it, Karasu? I respect you. You're... you're incredible in a fight, Ao. * Ao-Lang shrugs. "I'm okay." * Karasu shrugs. "I believe Mariah is up to the task." You don't think I am? No. No? No. What's that supposed to mean? * Karasu sips his milkshake before replying: "I don't think you'd make a capable leader." * Ao-Lang blinks. "Why?" * Mariah looks like she wants to say something, but she keeps her mouth shut. As Mariah said, she wants what's best for the team. What does that have to do with me being leader or not? * Karasu looks at Ao-Lang through his shades. "You don't. You want to ensure our team wins, but why? Because us losing makes you look bad?" * Ao-Lang doesn't sound angry. She just sounds tired. "What's the reason have to do with anything?" Mariah is willing to sacrifice herself for the team, if need be. Yeah. I haven't put in the hours and effort for us. For us, or for you? * Ao-Lang shrugs. "I taught Mariah how to fight blind." * Isaac simply watches the two go at it. Again, for her sake? Or to keep the team from losing and, thus, making you look bad? I lose. Just not if I can help it. I work hard. I made Mariah work hard. And Hope? I wanted her to work hard, too. ... I'm tired of you making me do things. * Ao-Lang shakes her head. "Then why didn't you do them on your own?" * Karasu shakes his head. "You're a powerful ally and a good teammate, Ao-Lang. But you're not a leader." I *have.* What do you think I've been doing? Deciding your captain because of a desire to feel like you're worthwhile, but that doesn't prove anything. I've been working my hardest to be what this team needs. I just want to be treated like an *equal* for once, but just working is never going to give me that. Because you don't even *notice.* * Ao-Lang blinks. I did notice. This morning. Just this morning? * Ao-Lang shrugs. "And before, but really this morning." But you're still not treating me like an equal. Why'd you say that? Because you're still talking about teaching me stuff? Like the only reason I'm here is to learn from you. You don't want to learn? I want to learn, but not if it means I have to be your student and not your teammate. You've been both. So I want a chance to show you what I'm made of. If I'm not good enough, like I said, I'll step down. But I want my chance. * Karasu lets them talk. * Ao-Lang shakes her head. "But you've had chances." Still do. Always do, leader or not. This is the chance I want. Please let me have it? I... I'm not trying to shut you out. I'm not trying to shut *anyone* out. We have to work together. * Ao-Lang mmms faintly. "That's pretty." And then she smiles a touch. "It's funny." .. I hope it's funny in a good way. * Ao-Lang tilts her head, looking at Mariah. A little while ago, I wanted to help you with Arthur. Oh? Yeah. I did. * Ao-Lang stumbles for the door. "Back at five." Okay. * Isaac blinks at Ao as she leaves. * Karasu sips his milkshake. * Ao-Lang opens and walks out in her socks. Boots? Not on. .. you know, I have no idea what she meant by that. [Session... END!]