[Last Time, on Battle High!: Our heroes watched the tape of their fight with Musashi 102 in the company of Musashi 103. The Narrator, that being ME, had neither the patience nor the endurance to play out three or four hours of dissection of a video that took just a couple minutes, all told. Thusly, we soldier on, to the next morning, where Karasu has been Up All Night with Nickelodeon, and is doubtless feeling not the least bit punchy.] [There are two courses the poor suckers of Alexander 103 can follow, let's see what they do as Isaac and the girls wake up.] [Session... START!] * Ao-Lang gets out of bed *first*, remarkably enough, and comes tottering right out of her bedroom in her pajamas. She dozed off during the video yesterday and didn't wake up. * Ao-Lang still looks tired, but not horrendously so. Maybe it's from oversleeping. Her hair's a mess. * Karasu is already up. How about that? He's watching My Three Sons. * Karasu waves to Ao-Lang without looking. "'Morning." * Ao-Lang doesn't answer. It's hard to say if she notices, really, as she walks straight for the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. Five seconds later, the shower starts. * Isaac yawns as he exits his room, hair messy as ever and wearing over-sized pajamas. * Karasu repeats the process like a robot. * Isaac checks the locked door (it's locked, right), then walks over to Karasu and has a seat, watching the TV. * Ao-Lang did lock the door, yes. * Karasu watches TV. That guy's got 3 sons. Holy crap. * Mariah 's door opens, and she staggers out, last up for once. She's already dressed, at least, and working on brushing her hair. "Morning, guys." * Karasu waves to Mariah without looking at her. "'Morning." ~Aaaaoooo, I need clothing again.~ I'd offer you some of mine, but... you're not a big jewel-tone guy, are you? * Karasu leans towards Isaac. "How do you feel about black?" ~It's very angsty.~ * Isaac gets up and walks over to Ao's room, checking on her closet. But if you want to look through my stuff, go ahead. * Ao-Lang emerges from the shower! Pretty early for her, which would explain why she's dripping: she didn't take the time to dry off. But she has a towel which should stay on her this time around. * Ao-Lang walks right across the main room and into her room, where... uh, Isaac is, actually. * A brief whisper of sliding paper comes from the main entrance. * Mariah glances in that direction and walks towards the main entrance. * Looks like the morning mail is here. * Ao-Lang folds her arms behind Isaac. "Done?" * Mariah picks up the mail and flips through it idly. * Isaac steps out of Ao's room, clothes in hand. ~Uh, yeah. I hope I don't look too silly in this.~ * Junk, junk, junk, unlabeled letter for Isaac, invitation for Karasu to join the BMG Movie Club and get 10 classic movies for 10 dollars, letter to Ao-Lang from her family x8. * Ao-Lang shuts the door after he leaves. Hey, Isaac? Letter for you. And, uh, Karasu, looks like some junk mail. * Karasu takes it and peruses it. * Mariah brings the rest of it over, sorting out the junk from the Shen Family Letter Series. ~Me? Why me?~ I don't know. No return address or anything. * Mariah offers Isaac the letter. * Isaac takes the letter and walks over to one of the convenient desk/tables and opens it, reading what's on it. ~I didn't think anybody would know I'm here, let alone alive again.~ ~Um...~ * Ao-Lang emerges from the room shortly, dressed in a silk shirt and jeans. She's brushing out her wet hair, and she walks over to where the piles of letters are. Morning, Ao-Lang. You got some mail. * Mariah offers the letters. * Ao-Lang takes the eight belonging to her. She starts to walk off, then pauses, looks at Isaac for a moment, and walks over to read over his shoulder. * Mariah slides something out of the pile of junk mail and examines it. "Huh," she says under her breath. * Karasu returns to TV * Ao-Lang lets out a sigh, then walks over to the training room with her mail. She slides that door closed behind her. * Mariah looks up. ".. huh. This has some promise." * Isaac glances at Mariah. ~What has promise?~ * It's getting close to breakfast time, a few minutes more and the doors should be swinging open to the cafeteria. Someone sent us an ad for a "spirit detective" service. An e-mail address, too. Wanna see? And... maybe we should get to breakfast. * Isaac nods. ~Ao! Breakfast time!~ * Karasu gets up, hands in his trenchcoat pockets * A dull THUD echoes down the hall as the doors of the cafeteria swing open. * Mariah starts walking towards the door. "No time to waste, I guess..." * Isaac looks around. ~Um, Mariah, you go to breakfast. I want to talk to Ao...~ ... okay. I'll meet you there. * Mariah heads to breakfast, then. * Isaac nods and walks over to Ao's door, knocking on it. * Ao-Lang calls through the door, "What!" ~Ao, I'm worried about you.~ * Karasu heads off to breakfast. * Ao-Lang walks over and opens the door. She's sweating, just lightly, and she has a tessen in her left hand. "Why? I'm just practicing." ~Do you want to spar, then?~ * Ao-Lang shrugs and steps aside to let Isaac in. ~Hold on, let me change first.~ ^^; * Ao-Lang nods. * Isaac runs off and does just that! * Isaac returns in what clothes was available to him from Ao's closet and wasn't too girly. * Ao-Lang looks Isaac over. "Okay, now are you ready?" * Isaac nods. * Ao-Lang dances back and gets a good distance from Isaac. She stands in a loose, comfortable stance. * Isaac takes out his sword in a smooth motion, placing the tip in front of him and near the ground. ~I'm ready.~ * Isaac dashes forward, making a low upwards slash through her area, stopping only to bring the weapon to a steady position after the attack is over. * Ao-Lang dodges to the same side as the attack, bringing her tessen up to shove his sword away. It's only partially successful, and he makes a very shallow cut along her left arm. Even as she does so, the room starts to mist up. * Isaac seems little-affected by the mist and takes his sword back, thrusting it at Ao-Lang's figure as a swirling pink aura surrounds it. ~Siphon Soul!~ he shouts, as he attempts to land the blow. * Ao-Lang jumps back this time, and Isaac's sword is just out of reach. "Come on," she says, now impossible to see. "Is that the best you can do?" * Isaac giggles in Ao's head. ~Not yet!~ He lashes with his weapon against the ground, swinging it sideways at Ao-Lang through the mist. ~Lambda Strike!~ * Ao-Lang brings both tessen up to block his sword as she steps in a different direction. She hisses as it moves smoothly between them and makes another cut into her side. * Ao-Lang dances away from Isaac's sword, backing up so there's some distance between him and her. She keeps her tessen out, but still not open. "Looks like you know how to fight in the dark after all." * Isaac closes his eyes. ~I was helping Mariah learn, wasn't I?~ * Isaac takes his weapon and scrapes it along the ground, flinging a cone of sonic energy at Ao. ~Sonic Stream!~ * Ao-Lang literally spins away and towards Isaac, avoiding the attack by a decent margin. "Missed me," she calls. * Isaac charges forward, glowing a blue aura as he streaks out attacking, swinging once at Ao-Lang sideways and... * Isaac brings his sword down, shouting ~Lambda Strike!~ * Ao-Lang brings her tessen up in an attack instead of a block, but she's far too slow and her eyes are wide with shock as Isaac's sword slices right through her. She barely recovers to bring one closed tessen up to meet the downward stroke, and she manages to block, but it slides by it and into her chest. She stands there for a very brief moment, dazed and bloody, before collapsing forward. * Isaac looks shocked. ~Ao!~ He looks around, panicking for some gauze and tape to patch up the wounds. [Session... END. Ohshi-]