[Last Time, on Battle High: A long, long time ago, Karasu was a bad, bad boy, and Isaac got verbally bitchslapped by Ao-Lang, and lots of other stuff happened, including Mariah and Karasu nearly killing that punk Clay.] [Now, it's not long after, just a few minutes really, as Isaac pushes open the door to Alexander the Great Room 103 to join his teammates in angsting, or whatever.] [Session... FIGHT!] * Karasu is totally down with Angst. And Get Smart. Cone of Silence ftw. * Mariah is also quiet. She looks tired, mostly. * Isaac walks in and looks around a bit harshly. ~Mariah. I want to lead us in the upcomming fights.~ * Mariah turns to Isaac, facial expression not changing, voice fairly inflectionless. "Why?" ~Because we'll lose if you lead.~ Why do you say that? ~Because I don't have faith in you, and neither does Ao.~ ... but that doesn't make sense. Does that mean you're going to throw the fight just because you don't like me? ~Nonono. It's not that. It's just that... Well, I think you're going to make poor decisions.~ Well... look, I meant what I said when I said I wasn't going to be despotic about it. If you think my reasoning is wrong, tell me and I'll fix it. ~Okay, I think your reasoning is wrong in that you didn't consult either Ao-Lang or myself before declaring yourself leader. Why the heck *did* you do that anyways? It seems pretty silly.~ .. because I got tired of being pushed around. Because Ao-Lang got on my last nerve. * Karasu totally watches TV, yo. * Isaac nods. ~Hmm. And you think this is a reason to jeopardize our chances at the midterms.~ I'm *not* going to -- look, I don't even know what to say to you. You're not going to listen to me. * Isaac quirks an eye at Mariah. ~Good job fixing the problem. Can you try completing that sentence next time?~ ... Okay. I have a question. ~Ask away.~ When did Ao-Lang become more important than me? ~When she helped me adjust to this situation. When she didn't think I was weird or strange because I'm psychic. First impressions stick, even if you don't intend them to... And it's not really a when, but why.~ I don't think you're weird, either. I'm sorry if I made you think I did; it's been a weird time lately. ~That doesn't change the fact that I think you can't lead us. I don't care about the larger room, you could have it. I just don't want us to lose.~ ~That's a nice thing for you to say, though.~ You keep coming back to it and you never tell me *why* you think I'll make us lose. * Karasu glances over the edge of the couch at them, briefly. "She's got a point." * Karasu then returns to Get Smart. Shoe Phone yay! * Isaac glances at the TV and grins, then looks back at Mariah. ~Because I don't think you have the personality to do it. I think you'll make poor decisions at crucial times, and I don't think you'll understand the concequences of your actions until it's too late.~ I've been thinking about that. I can't account for all the fight styles, of course, but I think I know how to handle the two we know about. ~Oh?~ Well, I figure there are two common kinds of fight we know about: one-on-one and free-for-all. With free-for-all, what works is having a team strategy so we don't end up acting at cross purposes. That we can all talk about before the fight; if the trend keeps up, we'll get dossiers, and even if we don't we know all the other freshman teams pretty well by now anyway. We can all plan, and I'm not going to have veto power or anything. ~Okay, then why is it so important that you're leader, then?~ Because I think I can keep things democratic, and I don't have faith that Ao can. ~And where does that leave me?~ You can be leader. A valuable part of the team? Like everyone else. ~Okay. But if you don't think Ao can be democratic, and that's your reasoning as to keep Ao from leading, then how does that keep me from leading?~ Do you want to be leader, Isaac? ~Yes.~ Because I don't know what your plans are. You talk about wanting to lead, but what do you want to do? How will you run the team? I'm not going to turn something over based just on "I don't think you're good enough." * Karasu shrugs. "Go ahead." ~Well, if you put it that way, I can list it out to you. I can more easily analyze opponents strengths and weaknesses, and can pit you up against opponents that not only you're strong against, but also fear you the most, giving you a psychological advantage. I can more easily monitor the fight as well. I can make quick judgements on a situation and I won't hesitate to get people's opinions if time doesn't warrent it.~ ~I know your strengths and weaknesses. I also know Ao's and Karasu's, although not as much about Karasu's as I'd like. And I wonn't wait on an opportunity to sieze it, unless I sense a trap.~ I won't lie -- that's all a big advantage. But why do you need to be the leader to do all that? ~Because if I'm not, and you are, the team will look at you initially for guidance, not to me. Even if they don't intend to.~ * Karasu shuts off the TV and rises to his feet. "You can both be the leader, and Ao-Lang too. If the title means that much to you, you can all have it." He wanders out of the dorm. * Isaac waves and signs to Karasu. * Mariah sighs. ".. he has to do what he has to do. And can I be honest with you?" * Isaac smirks. ~I'd lose trust in you if you aren't.~ Some of the reason I'm insisting so hard on this is that... I have to gain confidence in myself. I've spent so much time lately rolling over for what Ao's wanted and trying to please everyone -- it's tiring me out, and I think it's making me fight worse, even as I push myself to train more and more. * Isaac nods. ~I could sense it, actually. But you shouldn't give up. Train as much as is necessary, but don't overdo it. You gain nothing by breaking yourself. You stand to gain everything by pushing yourself to the limit.~ But it isn't just training. I guess I realized, when Ao pushed me to my limit, that I was *never* going to get anywhere unless I stood up for myself. I know this was a little radical, but I couldn't think of another way, and I'm still not coming up with a lot. ~Mmmm... Take the initiative in your training. When you fight, don't just fight, but try and push your limits. I think you should learn how to fight more strongly without your magic, like how I know how to fight without my psionics. She works hard, likely harder than the rest of us... and the fact that you or myself can best her makes her upset because we seem to work less.~ Oh, no, I understand you. But I'm really not talking about fighting. I'm talking about my place on the team. * Isaac sits down and pulls his legs in to his chest while he watches Mariah. ~Yeah?~ If Ao were leader, she'd be ordering me around forever, until maybe, if I worked on it for years, I'd be good enough for her to treat me like a person. And by that time I probably wouldn't even *feel* like a person. ~I doubt it'd be that bad, but I see what you're saying.~ It's come close to happening already. I'll admit it: taking the leader role wasn't my most clear-headed decision, but I was thrashing to get out of something that was strangling me. ~Stand up to her then. Not in a foolish way like this. This just hurt things, from what I can tell... Ao doesn't expect to be liked, she just expects to win. I like her, but you don't have to. As long as we're winning, she shouldn't care.~ ~Given that these teams seem random... I can't expect them to be looking for friendship compatability here.~ But it took something this rash to get her to stop and listen. ~I bet you could have done something else. I suppose this can work for fighting back, but I don't like it.~ Well... this is my problem. I don't want this to go on, and if the only way to make peace and get us functional again is to hand over leadership, I'm willing. But I don't want things to go back to the way they were. ~Then stop acting like a waffle and start acting like a fighter.~ ^^; I *thought* we were talking it out. ~No, I mean to Ao.~ I plan to. But I don't know if I can expect her to listen. ~I think she will.~ Why? * Karasu returns from wherever he went. He walks across the room, sits down on the couch, and turns on the TV. ~If you try confronting her instead of trying to make your happy, I think she'll pay attention.~ What am I supposed to say? "I refuse to be your doormat anymore?" She hasn't listened before, why should she start now? * Isaac giggles mentally. ~Maybe not that way, but something to that extent. Don't back down from her. If you show you're worth of respect, she should give it to you.~ I've been trying to prove I'm worthy of respect, and every time I think I'm getting close, it's never good enough. ~Like what'd you do?~ That's what all the training's been for. To show her I can work hard and pull my weight. ~Really? Um... Well, maybe you should keep at it then?~ * Isaac is starting to sound a bit more unsure of himself. I plan to... but I'm not sure how to prove to her *now* that I'm serious. ~I told you, stand up for yourself. It won't be instant, nothing like that can be this quick.~ ~But it'd start things.~ Well, okay. But that leads to me another question. I'll be honest: I'm thinking hard about giving you leadership. You have a plan and good ideas about what you can do for the team. But... how do I tell her that without it sounding like I just gave in? * Karasu totally watches Mary Tyler Moore. He's gonna make it, after all. * Isaac shrugs. ~Give her the facts? It takes a lot of guts to admit you were wrong, especially like this. I can try and help you out there.~ .. well, that's another thing I wanted to ask you. I want to make sure that I'll still have a voice in things if I hand leadership over to you. I understand that Ao did what it took to get the job done, but I don't want to be ordered around anymore. Then don't be. * Isaac nods. ~Don't be then.~ And you're planning to run things without orders? ~I'll probably tell people what I'm doing. And if I need to, I will. But I'm not going to tell you what to eat or anything like that. Only on the battlefield if things get dicey.~ That's fair. I just want to know I'm being treated like an equal and that my efforts are being respected. * Isaac giggles again mentally. ~No problem. Give respect where respect is due.~ .. what's so funny, anyway? ~Nothing, nothing. ^^;~ Really, I'm curious. Am I doing something silly? ~No, not really.~ Okay. .. so, what do we do from here on out? Talk to Ao-Lang when she gets back? ~I guess?~ Okay. .. I'm still of two minds, I guess, but oh well. ~Two minds?~ Ambivalent, you know? On one hand, I'll be glad to have this all over. On the other... it still feels like giving up. * Isaac (zegon@ Quit (Ping timeout) * Isaac (zegon@ has joined #BH ~You're not giving up, you're being smart about things.~ Oh, I know that. But it *feels* different. ~I hope in a good way!~ Well... not really? ~Uh...~ I'm sorry. I know we just talked about this. But... .. I wonder. ~Just don't think too hard about it then.~ ~If you really want, you can talk to Ao about it. But you know how mad she can get.~ .. at this point she'll be mad about anything I do. ~Yup.~ Maybe it'd be better to talk to her before we do anything about this. At least get her opinion. ~I know she doesn't want you being leader.~ Then she can say so when we sit down and talk about this like a team. ~Sure, we can do it that way.~ I'd rather, because the more I think about it, the angrier she'd get if I just switched again without asking her. ~Okay, then wait. ^^~ We'll at least see what she says... [Speak of the Devil, here comes Ao-Lang.] * Ao-Lang opens the door and walks in. She's a little flushed, her braids are a bit undone, and there's some sand clinging to her pants and boots. * Isaac waves to Ao. ~Hi Ao!~ -- hi, Ao! How are you? * Ao-Lang blinks at the warm reception and closes the door behind her. "Okay?" She sounds suspicious, maybe rightfully so. Just wondering what was up, that's all. * Ao-Lang nods and crosses the commonroom to her own particular room. ~Hey Ao? I talked to Mariah a bit more about the leader thing. She's okay with me leading, but she's afraid you'll get mad if she waffles again.~ * Ao-Lang starts to open her door, then she stops upon 'hearing' Isaac's statement. She turns to look at them. "What?" -- what? That's not what I meant! ~What did you mean, then?~ ^^; I meant that, the more I think about it, the stupider it is to hand over leadership again without actually *talking* about it. ~We just talked about it, though.~ With more than just us. It's an issue for the entire team... Karasu's not here, but it seems like he doesn't care. ~Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.~ * Ao-Lang lets go of the handle and turns fully to face the pair. She hooks her fingers in her pockets. Then what are you saying, Mariah? What I'm saying is, I just talked to Isaac about things, and I'd like to discuss with you what we thought about and see how you feel about it. You care about what I think now? * Ao-Lang glances at Isaac. Yes. I do. Fine. Let's hear it. * Isaac shrugs at Ao-Lang. Isaac and I talked about this all. He says he wants to be captain, and he has reasonable arguments for it. * Karasu returns from wherever he went, wordlessly stalks over to the couch and sits down, and turns on the TV. * Ao-Lang looks at Isaac like he's grown a second head. "Since when did *you* want to be captain?" ~Since I didn't think Mariah could handle it and you were getting so angry about it.~ I'm not *angry* about- * Ao-Lang stops herself and sighs. "Okay." Then what are you angry about? * Isaac eyes Ao. If it were that easy, I never would've- I don't know why I'm- * Ao-Lang stops again and looks into the distance, then settles on, "I never wanted to be captain either." * Karasu glances over his shoulder briefly. .. you didn't? What? No. I mean, *captain*. I'd have to start watching what I said and did, and make sure the team worked as a cohesive unit, and all of that. And everybody'd gun for me. Then... well, what happened? I just assumed you were upset because you didn't like me. Don't like me. Whatever. * Ao-Lang glares at Mariah. "I was *going* to try to help you hook up with Arthur." * Mariah looks.. sort of confused. ".. what does that have to do with this?" * Ao-Lang ignores the question. "It's not like you asked me if you wanted the position." I was angry. I didn't expect you to even listen... not after that note, anyway. ~Note? What note?~ * Ao-Lang opens her mouth to reply, then pauses. "What note?" she asks, echoing Isaac. "I win." That note. I'm not going to claim I did the right thing, but... * Ao-Lang blinks. "I... never wrote that to you." Then what was it there for? No, I don't know. I never... * Ao-Lang blinks again, and then her eyes widen. "When'd you get that note? And where?" It was on the door, and that was... right before it all started. I got so angry I decided to move out right then and there, and you know the rest. * Ao-Lang is silent for a long moment, then she says, "Hope." ~Wow. This is awkward.~ * Karasu glances over his shoulder again. What about her? Remind me to kill her over break. * Ao-Lang rubs at her eyes. "She's the one who put that note on your door." Why? ~'cuz she's silly?~ What, am I Hope now? That note was for *her*. .. maybe I'm just too tired, but this isn't even making any sense. * Ao-Lang throws up her hands. "I dueled her before she left," she says, annoyed. "I won. That's how she got the note, and then she put it on your door... which was also *my* door, if you forgot." What, she put up a note you wrote for you to find? I don't know! Do I look like Hope? I have *no* idea. Sounds like a great deal of miscommunication. I'm not even going to pretend I knew what was going on with this. Whatever. I didn't write that note for you, and I have to kill Hope. She *left.* What more would you need to do? * Ao-Lang scowls. "Yeah, she did." Anyway. It wasn't for you. Fair enough. So. Where were we? Talking about the captain. * Isaac nods. * Ao-Lang nods. "Our old one left. So? You took it, right Mariah?" Right. And now we're trying to figure out if Isaac would be better. Maybe he would. I... well, can I be honest about how I'm feeling right now? * Ao-Lang shrugs: a very Karasu-like gesture. "Not stopping you." * Karasu can do it more naturally though. I'm not going to let this hurt the team; if the better option for the team is Isaac, I'll hand over the captainship. But... we don't know that yet; there's been no opportunity to fight. * Isaac blinks. ~So?~ So... I'm asking you all, teammate to teammates, to give me my chance. Let me be captain for the next fight. If I can't handle it, I'll hand the captainship over -- no regrets. Next fight's pretty important. We're in a tournament, you know. I figure it's Kento's team. I realize this, but I think we can handle it. Like I told Isaac, I'm not going to be an autocrat; we'll still all plan together, and I think if we combine our skills we're more than capable. * Ao-Lang frowns. "Well, you've already got it." Well... fair enough, if you want to look at it that way. * Ao-Lang nods and says, calmly, "I do. You want leadership, and you've already got it. So if you want to keep it for next fight... I'm not challenging you here." * Isaac looks at Ao-Lang and shrugs. ~Fine, we can do it that way.~ I respect that. Thank you. * Ao-Lang glances at Isaac, then nods and heads into her room. "I have studying to do. Let me know if you need something." * Mariah nods. "Certainly. ... man, maybe I should study too. I haven't even been thinking about schoolwork all this time." ~You might want to. The next test is probably going to be a doozy.~ * Isaac plops down on the couch and watches TV. ~Sure thing.~ * Mariah heads inside, then!