[It's summer. School is almost over for the year, thankfully. With only three days left, the end of the year has never seemed farther away. This is especially true since soccer practice isn't letting up at all, regardless of the fact that there are no more games this school year. Strangely, though, there's a spectator above and beyond the usual bunch of groupies, lackeys, and hangers-on. He's a very pretty (Read: Bishonen)...] ...man, of middling height, with close-cut white hair and wearing a black trenchcoat and suit in spite of the heat. He's been watching the whole practice, though you could swear he was watching you more than anyone else.] [Kai Intro... FIGHT!] * Practice is just winding down, and you can tell the coach is about to dismiss you. * Kai sticks to his footwork routine until he's told otherwise, but simply can't seem to shake the fact that he's being watched, and casts the occasional (hidden) glance towards the man. "Hn." * Already the rumor mill is starting, speculating whether he's a scout trying to figure out who to watch for in a few years, or just a pervert who wants to watch young boys bounce around playing soccer. That's enough! Dismissed! Be back tomorrow for the last practice! * Kai kicks his ball up, catches it, and wipes his brow. "Right, Coach. Take care!" He waves and goes over to his gear, the man momentarilly forgotten. * When you come out of the locker room a few minutes later, the man is gone. * Kai sighs a bit in relief and looks homeward before putting one foot in front of the other. "Just a few more days to go." * You're about halfway home, the Quick-E-Mart has just come into sight, and you see that same guy walking in. There are no cars in the parking lot. * Kai narrows his eyes a little at the sight, his walking speeding up a bit in the meantime. * Thirty seconds or so later, you're at the Quick-E-Mart, but you can't see the man inside. He doesn't appear to be in the bathrooms, either, given that you can currently see inside them both. * Kai peers in the direction he thought he saw the man go, then shakes his head and moves along, tense and worried. "Just need to get home. That's all..." * Man speaks up from directly behind Kai, "Looking for something?" * Kai yelps and turns around, almost striking a stance. "... explain why you're following me, sir." No. * Kai actually seems confused by his reply, and his shows. "... w-why not?" I am not in the habit of explaining my actions to young punks. ... well. If there's anything I have done to offend you, sir, I apologize. It's just not very polite to stalk someone like you've been doing, sir. I'm not concerned with politeness. My business is my business. If I want to follow you, I'll follow you. If you don't want me to follow you, make me stop. If you want to know why I'm following you, make me tell you. You'll get no answers otherwise. * Kai sighs loudly and blows a bit of hair out of his eyes. "Sir... I am not very... keen to 'making' people do things. I was hoping that I could take a more polite approach to all this..." He sounds hopeful around the end of his statement. * Man looks down at Kai and snorts disdainfully. "Pathetic. No fighting spirit whatsoever." * Kai blinks once, then frowns, apparently offended. "Sir, do not mistake kindness for a lack of fighting spirit. My spirit is simply serene. I do not seek violence simply for its sake... but if you wish to see my heart, I will show it to you." Yes, no doubt you'll tear it out of your own chest and present it on a silver platter, should I ask. So accomodating of you. ... you're mocking me, sir. * Kai looks somewhat more upset. "I would almost consider your words a challenge." I don't need you to tell me what I'm doing, boy. If you don't have the spirit, then fine. I challenge you to a duel. Right here, right now. Very well. Your challenge is accepted. * Man stands stock still where he is, that same disdainful look frozen on his face. * Kai drops his gear to the side and sighs a little, hands coming up defensively. "Prepare yourself." * Man doesn't move. * Kai seems momentarilly confused by his lack of action, then steps forward and takes an experimental kick at his shin. * Man lashes out with a fist straight into Kai's gut. It feels more like a hole has been blasted straight through, but there's no blood, thankfully. "If you're not going to fight seriously, shut up and go home." * Kai blinks and stumbles back before tumbling, only to roll back to his feet, clutching his stomach. "... nnnn! You... very well then!" His clothes and hair begin to whip about as he draws back a hand. "White Hunter!" A visible circular distortion forms in said hand, then streaks towards the man as Kai throws it forward. * Man raises a hand, palm outward, as the distortion flies toward him. In an instant, the distortion connects with the plane described by his hand and dissipates harmlessly. * Man reaches behind himself and withdraws Kai's bo from nowhere. ... how? * Man tosses it at Kai's feet. "You will learn to keep that with you, or you will die." * Kai stands slowly, still clutching a bit at this stomach. His teeth grit, and in a flash, he kicks the bo up into his hands and lashes out at the man, the tip of the staff sheathed in a double helix of 'wind'. "White Spiral!" * Man calmly blocks the staff itself, though the wind rushes up his arm and ruffles his hair quite soundly, ruining his 'do. Your power is as a baby's breath. How do you expect to defeat anybody? My power... is exactly that: mine! And if it is not enough now, I'll simply grow stronger. Not if I kill you here. * Kai grits his teeth. "That is not a given." He twirls the staff once and inhales deeply, standing ready to strike out... "The strongest... White... CLIMAX!" His single arm lashes out with the bo at a blistering pace, Kai's body reacting as if caught in a windstorm. * Man disappears just as the first thrust is about to contact his body, leaving you to thrust at nothing whatsoever. Nnnnnnah! * Kai stops and brings his staff back into both hands, looking about warily. * Man reappears behind Kai and lashes out with a powerful thrust kick that sends him straight through the brick wall of the gas station. * Kai barely manages a scream before he's sent flying, crashing, and then tumbling. Upon coming to a stop, he clutches his staff tightly, coughing up a mouthful of blood. "... not... done..." * Man steps through the hole that Kai left. "You're done." * Kai tries to stand, but can barely do more then grip his bo and strain. "... are you happy now?" * Strangely, the manager and attendant at the store don't seem to be at all incensed about the destruction of their wall. You can't afford to think of my happiness right now. Think of your own. * Man tosses an official-looking envelope on the floor in front of Kai. My name is Quentin Nagawa. I'm the principal of Battle High. You just earned your invitation. The tickets for your flight are in the envelope. Don't lose them, or the invitation itself. * Kai blinks slowly, then turns his gaze to the envelope, utterly speechless. * Man turns around, steps back out the hole, and is gone. [Intro Fight... Win by Submission: Quentin Nagawa]