[Last Time, on El WHAT?!: There was a colossal march of plushies as people left, returned, and left again. The final tally was four of the group present, with Shiho in plushie form. The group spent the entire episode helping a peddler and haggling with that peddler for a magic belt of many pouches, which they later purchased.] [The episode opens as the group starts out from where they met the peddler, though the peddler has long since disappeared down the road.] [Session Start] * Almost simultaneously, the Shiho plushie and the real Ichi begin glowing with that strange, strobing light. * Amy hums a happy tune and puts the Shiho plushie on the ground. * A moment later, the light flashes and Shiho is present, while Ichi has become a plushie. MMm. S'happnin' again. Hi Shiho! Welcome back. Welcome back, Shiho. * Amy picks up the Ichi plushie instead. Hi Shiho. Huh? Wha-? Exactly. * Shiho looks around. "What happened? You turned into a cute plushie! Gah. * Shiho stands up. How are you feeling? * Daphne pulls out a flask and has a sip from it. Fine, I guess... * Shiho shrugs. "Don't remember what happened." * Daphne nods. "More's the pitty, then." * Shiho readies her bow, nocking an arrow. "In any case, we're about to be ambushed. Better get ready." ... We are? Oh, is that all? * Goblins jump out of the woods. * Daphne puts her flask up and pulls out her brass knuckles. Huh? We...wah! * Orc steps out of the woods on the other side. * There are five goblins, total, plus a single orc. * Cara pulls out her sketchpad and pencil. * Amy focuses on Daphne. "Bless!" * Daphne blinks confusedly at Cara. * Daphne and Shiho gain primal combat instincts. * Goblins mob Daphne * Goblins are small, green, and very, very stinky. * A goblin whacks Daphne upside the head with a stick. * Daphne throws a punch at the goblin what whacked her. * The goblin takes it right in the face and falls over backwards, but springs back to its feet quickly. * Orc rushes in from the other side and grabs Amy's pouch, along with the Ichi plushie, and screams something in its guttural language. * Orc turns and starts running into the woods. HEY! Give that back! * Shiho runs after the orc, launching an arrow as she does so. * Orc ducks behind a tree, and the arrow strike through right where it was. * Cara focuses on the goblin that Daphne punched, and sketches a stick-goblin with an anvil above it. * A large plush anvil falls from the sky, lands on a goblin, not even fazing it, and then it disappears back to wherever it came from. * Cara sweatdrops. * Amy stops focusing on Daphne and Shiho and focuses on herself. "Wolf Speed." * Amy blurs slightly as her rate of motion increases. * Goblins continue swarming over poor Daphne. They smell really bad. * Daphne fights the urge to hold her nose. * One of the goblins whacks Daphne again in the head. * Daphne throws another punch at the first goblin that whacked her. * A goblin is struck soundly and falls over. * Orc dashes off further into the woods. * Shiho keeps after the orc, launching another arrow. * Orc is struck in the shoulder, but keeps going at full speed. * Cara quickly sketches a group of goblins scratching a mysterious itch. * Cara has an itch to scratch. She needs to scratch it badly. * Cara blinks and starts scratching herself. * Amy runs after the Orc. * Daphne wonders what the hell has gotten into Cara. c.c; * Amy swiftly catches up to Shiho and nearly passes her. Give back Ichi and my pouch you meany! * Goblins break and run away into the woods on the other side of the road, grabbing their fallen colleague on the way. * Daphne tries to tag one of the slower ones on the back of the head. * One of the goblins falls forward, onto his face, but quickly picks himself up and starts running again. * Daphne checks to make sure she still has al her stuff before taking to the woods after her comrades and that Orc. * Daphne has all her stuff. * She thinks. C'mon, Cara! * Orc continues running. * Through the woods, Shiho and Amy see what must be the Orc's goal, a small, run-down tower. Amy, see if you can cut him off. * Shiho runs and shoots. K! * Orc takes the arrow in his calf and falls to the ground, just a short distance from the base of the tower. Er... Nevermind. * Orc shouts a few guttural words in his language, and several goblins with bows in hand appear on top of the tower. * Cara runs into the woods, more slowly than the rest since she's still scratching as she does so. * Goblins take aim at Amy and Shiho and loose an arrow each. * Goblins pepper Amy and Shiho with arrows, all but one of the five shots connecting. Wah. That hu-ur-ts! ;_; * Shiho hisses in pain. * Amy turns off her wolf speed and starts chanting something else. "Bark Skin!" * Amy's skin grows harder, and rough like tree bark. * Daphne runs after the others. * Orc crawls in the door fo the tower and closes it behind him. * Shiho takes up a defensive position behind a big tree and launches an arrow at a goblin. * One goblin falls over dead, an arrow through its eye. * Cara continues running. * Cara can see the tower now. * Cara slows down. * Goblins launch another flight of arrows, all at Shiho this time. * One arrow finds the right angle and slams into Shiho's thigh. * Amy hides behind a tree and tries to avoid being noticed. * Daphne keeps running. Are we there yet? * Daphne arrives at the edge of the clearing * Shiho realizes its a lost cause and drags herself back into the woods. * Cara looks around for everyone else. * Cara sees all the people retreating from the clearing as she arrives. * Cara waves to get Shiho's attention, then ducks behind some trees. * Goblins take a few parting shots into the woods, but hit nothing. * Shiho grimaces as she sits next to a tree and begins the painful ritual known as Arrow Removal. * Amy drops Barkskin and tries her best to get the arrows out of her. * Daphne looks from Amy to Shiho. "Didn't go well, eh?" * Amy does not know the proper procedure, and succeeds only in causing more pain to herself. Gahgahgah! Amy, don't pull them out, or you'll just hurt yourself more. * Cara walks over to where Amy and Shiho are. "Y-y-you're hurt!" Can someone help please? ;_; * Shiho nods, wincing as she removes another arrow. "Just.. agh... gimme a minute." * Daphne nods, and gets out one of her flasks. She opens it up but doesn't drink from it. Um... I might be able to heal you guys... but I'm not sure if it's safe to try... * Cara looks sad. "My magic doesn't seem to be working very well." * Shiho finishes with herself, and then goes about removing the arrows from Amy. "This'll hurt." I can help too! K... * Cara shakes her head. "No...it has to work. Should I try?" * Amy screams a little every time an arrow is removed.. * Cara winces and looks away. * Shiho pushes an arrow through Amy's body until it pokes out the other side, then breaks the head off, and pulls the tail back out the way it came. * A colossal ROAR comes from the tower. * Cara 'eeks' * Daphne blinks. Waaa! * Shiho repeats the process with the rest of the arrows. Woot. * Amy cries. ;_; C'mere, I have some cheap wiskey you can use as disnfectant once you're done with that, Shiho. It'll hurt like all hell, but at least you won't get sick. ... Does that actually work? Yup. Alright. I have another way that would probably hurt less... * Shiho blinks at Cara. "Hmm?" * Amy frowns and focuses on her wounds. "Cure Light Wounds!" I could heal you with...but looks like Amy can already do it. * Daphne smirks. "Or you can do that." She drinks from the flask and puts it away. * Amy's wounds begin to close a little, but they're still there, and terribly painful. Waa.. Or you might need it after all. ::pulls the flask back out:: * Another colossal roar comes from the tower, followed by some incoherent cowardly babbling in Ichi's voice. Damn. ...Oh, hell. Ichi deplushified. Ichi! Do you need help too Sh.. Hey, isn't that Ichi? I don't care how you manage it, but hurry up. We need to save Ichi. Start healing Shiho, Amy. Then we need to storm that tower. * Daphne looks at the tower, checking to see if the goblins are still up there, and if there are other defenses, and how secure the door looks at a glance. K... * Shiho looks from Cara to Amy. "Don't suppose either of you know some sort of spell to smash through the door. Or to fly. Flight would be good." * Amy focuses on Shiho's wounds too. "Cure Light Wounds!" * The door looks like the sturdiest part of the tower, and the goblins have left the battlements. I could try unlocking it. * Shiho winces a bit. "Agh... Thanks." Give it a go, Cara. * Shiho is still bleeding quite profousely. Wai :P * Goblins reappear on the battlements. * Amy tries again on Shiho. "Cure Light Wounds!" * Cara takes a look at the door. She then sits down and concentrates on drawing the door hanging open. And see if you can do something about those fellows up top. * Shiho is still bleeding a good deal. Ouch. * Amy frowns. "That's all I can do.. sorry.." That's fine. It's better than nothing. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Cara (2d6) and gets 8. * Cara completes her drawing, and the magic releases, but the door pays it no notice. * Cara frowns at her drawing. "Didn't work." * Shiho ponders. "How about drawing a hole in the side of the tower, then? Would that work?" I don't know if my magic is strong enough to do that... Hmm... I can mostly just do little tricks. What about you, Amy? Do you have any magic that would help? I don't suppose you can try the door again? But...maybe I could trick them into coming out... That might be a good idea. * Daphne raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" I don't think so.. If we tossed some gold coins out, I might be able to make them REALLY bright and shiny, and maybe they'd come down for them! Hmmm... I don't know about that. I have a feeling that only one or two would come out, and the goblins would stay up there. * Daphne nods. "I agree with Shiho." * Cara pouts a little. And from what I understand, I'm the only one who can really do anything while they're up there. And no offense, but I'd rather not get shot any more today. Maybe you can draw the goblins falling asleep, Cara. I could try that...alright! I'll do it! * Shiho nods. "Good idea. Why can't you just draw Ichi outside? * Cara sits down and begins drawing the goblins sleeping at their posts. Then all we need is to figure out how to get inside. If the place is intended to be fortified, I doubt they'll have windows to crawl through. Anyone know how to pick locks? Let me rephrase that. Anyone know how to pick locks *well*? I know how, but I'm not that great at it. * Cara grits her teeth and keeps concentrating. If anyone has rope, I can try launching an arrow towards the top and using it as a makeshift grapnel, but that might not be a great idea. I have some rope, but I doubt a tyical arrow would hold well anough for that. * Goblins slump over slowly, over the course of an hour or so, eventually resting along the walls. Yay! Probably not. * Daphne looks. "Shh. The little dears are asleep." * Cara grins. "It worked!" * Shiho grins. "Great. Good job, Cara." Thanks! * Daphne gives Cara a thumbs-up. Now we go in and get Ichi and my pouch! Now. Let's get to the door quietly, and I'll see if I can pick it. Unless someone else wants to try. It's all yours. All yours. * Daphne chuckles. "Of course, there's always the chance that it's unlocked." Remember, that orc's still in there. And there might be other guards as well. * Daphne motions towards the tower. "Alright, then. Forward at a march, troops." * Shiho heads for the tower. woot. * Daphne proceeds casually towards the tower, trying to walk somewhat quietly, but not bothering to sneak. * Cara gets up and follows Daphne. * Amy follows slowly after the others. * Daphne presumably reaches the door, and looks it over. * The door stands there, impassive. * It's a sturdy wooden door, with a simple, weak lock. * Daphne gets her picks out, and tries to open the lock. * The pick breaks off in the lock. ... * Daphne stares at the pick. "Cheap Mexican merchandise." ... So, it didn't work? It sure didn't. Anyone else have some bright ideas? Hmm... I could try magic on it again, now that I've seen the door more closely. Anything else that can be used as a pick? Or... yeah, go for it, Cara. * Cara grabs her sketchbook again, concentrates, and begins drawing an open door. * The lock clicks open. * Cara smiles brightly. Yay! * Shiho readies an arrow. * Daphne smirks. "Good job, Cara. Maybe later you can draw me a new pick." * Cara scratches her head. "It'd probably end up being a plush pick." ^_^;; Well, let's not waste any time. * Daphne pouts. "Although, that one did have lots of sentimental value. I broke into more liquor stores with that... eh well. C'mon, ladies, lets storm the castle." * Daphne opens the door carefully. * The clinking of coins come from inside the tower. * Daphne says in a low voice, "You wanna go in first and cover us, Shiho? Or shall I just lead the charge?" If you don't mind... I don't think I'd make very good cover while bleeding so much. * Daphne nods. "Alright, then." * Daphne walks inside and looks around for anything to beat up on. * The inside of the tower is a small room, maybe twenty feet across, all a single room. A set of stairs goes upwards, and a set downwards. The floor and ceiling are wooden, and the orc from before sits at a table counting coins. Ichi's equipment is piled on the table, and Ichi himself is nearly naked tied up on the floor. * Cara kinda cowers behind the rest of the group. Help! * Amy does the same as Cara. * Shiho actually DOES something and shoots the orc. * Orc looks up just in time to take an arrow in the shoulder. GRAGH!!! * Daphne walks up to the Orc and makes a good effort at slugging him. * Orc takes the fist right between the eyes and slumps over, eyes rolling up in their sockets. Yay! Yay! Congrats! Now, a little help? ^_^;; * Amy runs over to untie Ichi and find her pouch. * Daphne spits on the Orc. "Damn right 'gragh', ya' sunuffabitch." Are you alright, Ichi? Hi, Itchy. How ya' doin? Thank you. I think your money is still on the table. ::Goes to find his pants:: Umm...Ichi, why are your clothes off? ^_^;; * Daphne snickers. "That is a good question." I'm fine, although I'd like to know why I woke up in a room full of nastly little green things that stole my clothes. Hm? Oh, you were plushified, and they stole you from us. * Amy looks for her pouch. How rude. * Daphne nods. "Yup." She grins. "And without our brave protector Ichi to defend us, we has such trouble with them." * Cara giggles. I'd have loved to help, but even I can add up to outnumbered. Alright, folks. Since these fellows were so nice as to steal from us, shall we return the favor? Let's not waste too much time. Those goblins could wake up any minute. Huh? * Amy continues looking for her pouch. Where's my pouch? ;_; * Ichi goes after his clothes again. * Amy's pouch is on the table. * Daphne casually looks around for anything of value. * Amy grabs her pouch and makes sure everything is still in it * Shiho motioned to the orc. "Perhaps we should tie him up, too." Right. * Aside from Ichi and Amy's stuff, the only thing that looks to be of particular value is some coinage that the Orc had, and his battleaxe. * Daphne goes and gets the rope Ichi was tied up with. * There might be more upstairs or downstairs, though. I say we go up first, and take care of the goblins. * Amy's pouch was dumped out on the table. Everything is there. * Daphne pockets the coinage. n.n Yeah, we should tie them up. * Ichi takes his clothes and finds a corner to put them on in. * Amy quickly puts the stuff from her pouch back into it. Sounds good to me. Here, I have some more rope. ::tosses it to Shiho:: Yay. There we go! * Shiho catches it and starts up the stairs. I'll work on hog-tying pig-boy here. * Amy follows after Shiho. * Daphne does that. * Cara follows Shiho as well. * Upstairs is the roof, where the four sleeping goblins and one goblin body lay. Each Goblin has a quiver with 17 arrows left, and each has a decent quality shortbow. * Shiho steals all the arrows ^_^_v * Ichi collects his stuff and follows the rest up the stairs. * Pigboy is tied securely. * Daphne follows up the stairs, looking for anything that says "I'm valuable." * Amy looks around.. * Ichi looks at the view from the top of the tower If any of you can carry the extra bows, we might be able to sell them for a decent price... * Shiho goes about tying up the gobbies. * Cara picks up a bow. "Okay!" Sure thing. * The gobbos are tied securely. Put them in the pouch! * Daphne picks up a bow. Good idea. * Amy picks up one of the nice bows and puts it into the pouch Alright. Itchy, you come with me to the downstairs, in case there are any more locals that decide to be unfriendly. Anyone else wanna come along? Ok * Cara shakes her head. I'll come. There's nothing else up here anyhow. * At the bottom of the stairs is a goblin corpse. * The corpse is, predictably, rotting. * Daphne uhgs. "Shit." Poor goblin. Ugh. How disgusting. ugh * Daphne looks around for anything more valuable-looking than a corpse. * There appears to be a large room at the bottom of the stairs, but it is unlit. Maybe it's a warning. Can anyone make a light? * Shiho readies her bow, just in case. Uh.. Maybe this *is* what they do with their dead, Itchy. One second. * Amy concentrates.. "Night Vision!" From the smell of those goblins I fought, I doubt they were terribly concerned with sanitary matters. * Everything suddenly seems very bright to the group. * Daphne blinks. "Hey, nice." * Cara walks down the stairs after everyone. This is usefull. * Daphne looks around again. That'll come in handy. * Downstairs is still gloomy, but you can see at least a little. * Daphne heads downstairs cautiously, looking around some more. * Amy looks around the downstairs, slowly following Daphne. * The smell gets even worse as you near the corpse. * Shiho follows, notably after Daphne. * Ichi looks around for anything inclined to hurt himself or the others. * The hall at the bottom of the stairs twists around a corner, and trails of dried blood lead from the staircase around the corner. * Daphne makes a face at the stench. * Cara wrinkles her nose. ... This place is weird.. Okay, am I the only one who doesn't like the look of this? * Daphne continues to proceed cautiously, natch. * Shiho follows, scanning the area. No you arn't. * Around the corner the hallway proceeds far enough that not only can you not see for the full length, it must go beyond the boundaries of the tower. ... I wonder where this goes... It didn't look this big from the top... Well, we're underground, right? * Along the walls that you can see, there appear to be small alcoves with vertically barred doors. Maybe it leads to a river. Or maybe it's an escape tunnel or something. Yeah, I think so I don't suppose any of you can make some light to help us out? The night vision spell is great and all, but I think it needs more to work with than we have here. * Cara thinks. * Shiho looks for a torch on the walls. Sorry, I wish I could help more.. * Ichi watches the far end of the hall Cara? Even a plush lightbulb would be swell, so long as it glowed in the dark. * Cara begins sketching herself with a glowing ball of light following her. * A small blue spark ignites in the air behind Cara's head. Everything gets much brighter. There! * Daphne grins. "Good job." * Shiho nods. * Daphne goes to look around some more, now that things are, y'know, visible. Thanks. * Cara nods happily. * Amy looks more.. * Cara looks around. * Shiho peers at Cara You look different. Uh? I do? * Daphne hums as she things of something. "Out of curiosity, Cara, how do you turn it off, once you want to?" * Ichi turns around to look at Cara * Amy looks at Cara. * Daphne blinks and looks at Cara. * Cara sweatdrops. "I...have no idea." * Now that you can see more of the passage, it appears to have once been a jail, or a dungeon. I usually change things when I draw them... but Marta said that living things would 'snap back' to the way they were originally... * Daphne thinks about that. It's your ears. ...my ears? * Cara feels her ears. They were dangling before; now they're attached. * Daphne blinks. * Where Cara's ears were once dangling earlobes, the earlobes are now attached. O.O Eheheheh. ... That's weird! Maybe I should avoid drawing people. ^_^;; * Daphne goes to take a look at Cara's picture. Uhh...yeah * Cara's picture does not actually show the earlobes. * Cara blushes a bit from all the attention directed at her. * Daphne nods and smirks. "Ah ha. You'll just have to be a bit more complete in the future." * Cara scratches her neck in embarassment. "Marta said there'd always be SOMETHING." ^_^;; Ah. Well, I guess she'd know. Can...we get back to exploring this place now? ^_^;; * Shiho nods. "We should finish this quickly." * Daphne shakes her head. "I really wish I'd met her while we were back there. And yeah, let's keep going." Good pic, by the way. Um... thanks. * Ichi goes back to looking after deciding that the conversation on magic that he doesn't understand seems to be over with * Ichi advances a little further and sees something rather... strange. What's this? * Skeleton stands in front of a large oaken door, nothing but bones, free standing, with a sword in hand. ... That's creepy. How does it stay together? Eep. ... How's it... yeah. Prolly magic. * The trails of blood start about ten feet in front of the skeleton. * Daphne shrugs. "Magic is pretty handy as a stop-gap explanation in this world." You've noticed that too? So, anything that's strange is magic? Yup. Anything that's strange to us, anyway, yeah. Ahh, So what do we do about this? ::points:: * Cara shivers a bit. "That's really...creepy, just standing there." If I were to guess, I'd say it was guarding that door. Yes. And I'd guess that he's some sort of guard here. I suppose it's too much to suppose he talks. Can't hurt to try! From the looks of it, it probably wounded that goblin we saw earlier. * Amy waves at the Skeleton. "Hi there!" * Skeleton does not respond. So much for that plan. Yeah. So the goblin must've bled out before getting clear of the place. What a way to go. * Shiho nods. Not something I'd like to try. Well, we've got to choices, really. We can force our way through, or leave. Do you think we could beat it? It looks nasty. But I bet there is something really neat behind that door... * Daphne hums. "I suppose it comes to what we suppose he's guarding and how much we want it." * Ichi nods. If I wasn't injured, I'd say yes. But right now I'm not so sure. Good point, Shiho. We could always come back. Assuming our tied-up friends don't get loose, yes. ...oh yeah. * Shiho nods at Daphne. * Ichi looks over the the bones. He looks like he's gottten a lot of the green things like the one we passed on the way in. His sword's got lots of thier blood on it. He realy should take better care of it, but then again he should take better care of himself too... Yeah. He looks a little under the weather. So, what, you think we can take him, Itchy? The dead have little use for hygine, I guess. I dunno, I just know he's better than the green things, and I haven't seen them fight ^_^; They didn't seem very tough when Daphne fought them... * Daphne shrugs. "The green guys aren't all that hot in-close. They're handy with a bow, tho." * Shiho looks at the holes in her side. "Believe me, they're plenty good." I wanna know what he's guarding. * Daphne licks her lips. "I'm curious, too." I'll leave the decision to you guys, but if you decide to fight him, I'm staying well away from him. Uh... whatever you guys want. Well...I don't have the right to decide, since I can't fight. ^_^;; Itchy? Your thoughts? I'm already having a bad day, It'd be nice to have something to hit, but::eyes the sword:: I don't like how hard he probibly hits back. How about this... Someone try to get his attention, and when he goes for that person, the rest of us can lay into him? * Daphne blinks. "Nice idea, Shiho. Who's the bait?" That might work. Whoever's the best at not getting hit. I get hit a lot. I probably wouldn't be good at doing that.. * Daphne looks at Amy. "I son't suppose you have a force field or something?" I'd volunteer, but I'm not in any condition to try. ::holds up his shield:: "...It's going to be me isn't it?" Look, if you're not up for it, we can try again later. Well, since you have a shield... Right. But sooner or later, you WILL be put in a position where you need to defend yourself. * Cara starts drawing the skeletons sword with a big crack in it. Unless we decide to quit this adventurering bussiness, we can count on that. Say. If we can open these jail cells we can stuff or little green friends in here. Then we won't need to worry about them getting out. And then we'll have all the time we need. * The magic builds. You might be able to break his sword now. * The magic releases, and the skeleton's sword shatters. Er...or better yet. ^_^;; O.o * Daphne blinks. "Whoa. Good job, Cara." O_O "..well that makes it simple" He might be a bit more manageable, now. * Cara rubs the back of her neck and smiles. * Cara is sweating slightly, and is very, very tired. I...I don't think I can do anymore magic. * Cara leans against a wall. Can you at least keep the light going? Or should we head back up? Yeah, it'll stay. I think. Thanks for doing what you have done. That's fine. After this we'll rest for a while. * Daphne nods. "Shiho? Since he's disarmed, y'wanna catch his attention with, I dunno, an arrow to the head? Or shall we send Itchy in first anyway?" I'll give it a shot if he's not willing. I don't mind. * Daphne turns to Ichi. * Cara grins weakly. "He...doesn't seem very smart..." ^_^;; How about this; Shiho, you shoot him with an arrow, and if he responds by charging us, Itchy and I will keep him from you. And if he stays where he is, so much the better. Just...standing there while his sword breaks... * Ichi nods and draws his good sword. "Sounds like a plan." Alright. * Cara keeps out of the way. Everyone set? Whenever you're ready, Shiho. * Daphne fingers her brass knuckles and gets into a fighitng stance. * Ichi moves into position. * Shiho fires an arrow at the skeleton. * Skeleton seems to shift a little and the arrow passes between its ribs. ? * Daphne frowns. "Aim for the head and try again?" Well, so much for that. * Shiho does so. * Skeleton tilts its head a little, and the arrow flies past its head. ... Ok. Apparently, it's impossible to hit. Okay. So he's really good at dodging arrows. That's a bad thing isn't it? * Shiho nods. "We'd better leave." At this rate, it'll tear you two apart with its bare hands, and you won't be able to do anything about it. Yeaaah. Not my idea of fun. Yeah, let's go. * Skeleton is apparently tired of waiting and starts forward with a dreadful clacking of bones. Eep! Uh-oh... Uhohh Oh, dear. I, uh, think you got his attention. Everyone, get out of here. Amy, Cara, start backing off. Shiho, cover me. How? I can't hit it! Don't worry. I'll keep it distracted. * Daphne advances on the skeleton and tries to smack it one. What am I supposed to do? Fight it, of course. * Skeleton doesn't even have to dodge as Daphne flows right past it. * Daphne blinks. "Poo." * Cara hurries down the hall. * Ichi listens to other people and takes a swing at the Skeleton. * Skeleton shifts a little, and Ichi's blade passes through its ribcage. Would you please hold still? * Amy frowns and concentrates on Ichi. "Bless!" Domo arigato! * Ichi gains primal fighting instincts! * Skeleton runs Ichi through with its sword. * Skeleton has apparently not noticed that its sword has no blade, and Ichi is unhurt. * Cara blinks. Uhh...right.. I told you it didn't look very smart. ^_^ * Shiho takes another shot at the thing. * Skeleton shifts as Shiho shoots, and the arrow passes between its bones. * Daphne swings for the skeleton again, preferably at an area that her fist can't just pass through. * Skeleton blocks Daphne's fist with the blade of its sword, and recieves a fist in the jaw for its efforts. Yeah! * Cara just stares at the skeleton, completely dumbfounded. * Ichi takes another swing. * Skeleton parries Ichi's cut with its sword, and loses its head. ... * Skeleton is still standing, and moving, however. O_o "Ooops..." * Amy tries very hard not to be noticed. What...a worthless guardian. @_@ * Skeleton swings its sword at Daphne, while its head gnaws on Ichi's ankle. * Skeleton misses with the sword, obviously. O_o; * Skeleton gnaws on Ichi's ankle, and then bursts against the wall as Ichi kicks it off. * Shiho realizes the futality of trying to do anything, and stands there watching instead. * Daphne tries to smack the skeleton in the chest. * Skeleton is struck squarely in the breastbone and flies apart into its component bones. Yay! * Amy drops the bless. * Daphne powerposes. Alright! Great work you guys! * Shiho sighs and gathers up the arrows she used. * Daphne begins whistling "Them bones". Thankyou Amy. * Sadly, most of the arrows are broken. * Shiho manages to recover only one arrow. Now, let's see what we earned for our troubles. Yeah, let's see what we get! * Daphne walks over to the door and takes a look at it. * The door is sturdy wood, and apparently unlocked, the skeleton having been its only guardian. * Daphne opens the door cautiously. * Inside the door is what appears to have once been an armory. * Amy looks past Daphne at the armory to see what neat stuff is inside. * Daphne opens the door fully and looks around inside. * Racks and racks of rusted and rotted weapons and armor, and rotten tapestries and shields line the walls. Against one wall is an intact chest, however. * Daphne hums. * Cara peeks over Daphne's shoulder. So it was guarding junk. * Amy walks over to the chest and looks at it. Hey! Lookit this. * Daphne goes in and takes a look at the chest. * The chest is plain wood, bound with iron, and not locked. Can I open it this time? Go for it. Sure. Yay! * Amy opens the chest. * The chest is velvet lined, and in surprisingly good condition. On the velvet lining lies a gleaming pair of gauntlets fit to go with full plate armor. * Daphne sparklyeyes. "Ooo." Wow.. Nifty. That's fancy. * Cara looks. "Nice..." * Daphne picks the gauntlets up and looks them over. Um...I think they're magical... I can sense something from them. * The gauntlets are none the worse for wear, very shiny, and apparently lined with fur on the inside for cushioning, with spikes on the knuckles for punching. * Daphne grins wide. Magical spikey gloves! Neat! I hope you guys don't mind if I use these? * Shiho shrugs. "Not like I'd have any use for them." Nah, it's all yours! All yours. ^_^ I think the spikes would get in my way. * Daphne takes off her brass knuckles and puts it in her pocket. She slips the gauntlets on and wiggles her fingers. * The gauntlets slip on easily. * Daphne blinks. "Uhm. Huh." I think... something's wrong. Eh? What? .. What's wrong Daphne? I'm not sure. It's strange, I... * Daphne tries to take them off, working hard not to panic or be rough with the gauntlets. * The gauntlets hold firmly, refusing to budge from Daphne's hands. ... ... * Daphne seems to be pulling a lot more strongly than she usually does, too. * Daphne sighs. "Och, what a fool I feel like. They won't come off." ...This is another bad thing isn't it... Oh no.. * Daphne stops trying to pull them off and sighs. * Cara blinks. "That's not good." Oh, well. Maybe we can find some nice mage who'll be willing to see if he can get these off. Until then, I'm making a new fashion statement. * Daphne wiggles her fingers again. "Although, these are *really* comfy. I don't think I'll mind having 'em on so much. Although it'll make it hard to draw or write." * Cara starts glowing. ... Cara. Eep. She's gonna plushy-fie! * Cara strobes brightly and flashes, and is replaced with a plushie. ...This has been one of thoes days... * Amy grabs the cute Cara plushie! And that's everyone. Aww. So cu-u-ute! * Amy puts the plushie in her backpack. * Daphne begins to reach for her pocket, and stops. "Uhm, can someone do me a favor?" What's up Daphne? I'll try Hm? I don't know if I can reach into my pockets with these things on, much less do something delicate like unscrew the cap of a flask. So, uhm, could someone get my whiskey out for me? ::chuckles nervously:: Maybe you could just not drink for a bit? * Daphne blanches. "Not... drink?" * Ichi nearly volunteers and then turns a bit pinkish. Well.. yeah.. I mean.. Why do you look sick? Uhm. So, unless anyone else sees something they wanna take along, shall we get back to the surface? And to a bar with very sturdy mugs? [Session End]