[Last Time, on El WHAT?!: The group proceeded farther throgh the desert, and ran into a strange rhinocerous-like creature that carried its own dust storm with it. Handy, that. Too bad it attacked them, and then ran away when it was horribly injured. The group proceeded onward toward the oasis, having to climb a not-quite-a-mountain in their path. Thanks to Shiho's athletic ability, they made it, and proceeded to walk to the path... ...which they could have gotten to far more easily by _not_ climbing the not-quite-a-mountain. But them's the breaks when you're an adventurer.] [The session opens as the group reaches the bottom of the path down into the oasis. The main spring itself is just ahead, clearly in view.] [Session Start] ^_^ * Shiho walks towards the spring. * Cara looks around in awe. Finaly! A bath! ::follows Shiho:: * The whole expanse of the oasis seems much smaller now that you're on a level with it and can't see the huge expanse of forest visible from the top. * Cara runs after Ichi and Shiho. The idea of a bath is highly appealing, after getting all that dust ground into her skin during the storm. * Amy wanders along, slowly following after the others. * Rocky is still asleep in Shiho's pack. He sleeps a lot, you've probably gathered. * Ichi walks onward, gratefull for a chance to seperate the dust from his skin. * As you come up to the main oasis clearing, the clear waters of the spring sparkle nicely, as they are wont to do. They don't have much else to do, really, aside from flowing, and they're not doing much of that. Standing at the side of the spring is a large, exceptionally strange creature, approximately the size of a prime buck, but scaly, rather than hairy, and it possesses only a single horn, sprouting from its forehead. * The creature ignores your approach, appearing more concerned with getting a good stomachfull of liquid. * Amy peers curiously at the creature. * Cara blinkblinks at this creature. Funny animals here. * Ichi ignors the creature, it's not doing anything, and it's not between him and the water. * Shiho observes the creature cautiously. * Creature drinks deeply. * Rocky wakes up and pokes his head out of Shiho's pack. * Amy looks curiously at the creature s'more. "Wow. They have such neat animals here." * Creature gazes at Rocky and licks its lips. * Rocky blinks and quickly ducks back in Shiho's pack! * Creature turns its back to the group, revealing a long, lizardlike tail. * Creature walks calmly off into the forest. Weird... Neat! * Ichi wanders twords the water, and takes off his backpack. "Baaath." Not so fast, Ichi. We should refill the water skins first. Eh? * Ichi stops and nods. "Right." * Shiho walks up to the spring and does just that. * Ichi goes over to his backpack and pulls out a coulple of skins and takes them to the water. * Cara fills up the skins she was carrying. * Amy does so as well. By the way...who's got Daphne? * Amy holds up the cute little Daphne plushie. "I do!" Okay. Don't drop her in the spring, Amy. I won't. * Amy looks at Shiho frowning. "Not like I'm that clumsy or anything." I'm just saying... I wonder if she'd soak up lost of water? I think Daphineplushie would reject any liquid but beer. * Cara giggles. So she'd float? Maybe. I'm not gonna test because if she unplushiefied, she'd get upset. Aw. * Ichi finishes filling his skins and puts them next to his pack. "I suppose you want us to fill them all before we can go in." * Shiho nods. * Cara puts her waterskins down as well. * Ichi walks over to Amy to get some more. * Amy hands Ichi any waterskins she's not done with. * Shiho glances to the sides without turning her head. * Ichi thanks Amy and takes them over to the water. * Amy looks around curious s'more. "I wonder what other kinda animals live around here. I bet there are some really neat ones." Prob'ly. * Shiho continues to sideglance, frowning. Great! * Ichi shrugs and nearly drops the skin he was filling. Say, Amy... Can you detect the animals? Animals? No, I don't think I can. So...how long are we gonna stay here? Why? Because one of them is watching us. Oh, really? I wonder if it's a frightened little animal, or a predator who thinks of us as prey. * Shiho readies her bow. "Best not take chances." * Amy looks around curiously, trying to spot the animal. You wouldn't shoot the poor animal for no reason, would you Shiho? This means I'm not getting my bath doesn't it... * Creature shuffles a bit, allowing you all to see it. It is the same strange lizardlike creature from before. Not for no reason, no. * Amy looks curiously at the creature. "Hello there little guy. ^_^" Maybe it's just intelligent and wondering who we are. * Shiho lowers her bow a bit, keeping it ready but not threatening. * Creature does not move again, and seems to blend back into the foliage naturally. Oh, cool! Wow. "How'd it do that?" Well, it could be a natural defense mechanism, or it could be some kinda magic.. Doesn't seem like magic. Probably more like a chameleon. S'what I was thinking. You never know though. ^_^ Oh. Poor little guys is probably scared. Might not have seen something like us before. Or maybe it's just waiting for the right moment to pounce. * Ichi takes the skins he's got in his hands and puts them next to the ones by his pack, then starts on the next pair. "Maybe it'll go away again. It might be a vegatarian Shiho. ^_^ * Shiho keeps her eyes on the spot. "Maybe." That thing with the dust storm might have been one too. Doesn't mean I'd want to run into it again. * Cara looks back and forth between Amy and Shiho, not sure who to side with. Aw, I think it just would like it's water back. That or it wants us for lunch, but whatever. ^_^ * Ichi continues to put water into skins, in the hope that by the time he's done, this will have worked itself out. * Shiho frowns. "It may not be a good idea to rest within the oasis tonight." Well, it would be a place for animals to come and drink, and if we're resting here, there could be problems.. * Shiho nods. So, we should find a place away from here to camp. ^_^ Ookay. * Amy looks around a little, curious. "Hm." Where? In there? ::points to the trees:: Up there?:: points to path:: Somewhere else? ::goes for more skins:: The path, probably. It'll give us a chance to retreat if we need it. Well, I'm sensing The Call from somewhere in the forest.. Oh, right. You DID say that you felt that Call thingy again. I'd forgotten. From which direction? * Amy points towards the direction of the forest. "Thataway." Then perhaps we should head there now, before it gets much later. Sounds good! A..alright. * Ichi sighs and agrees, perhaps he'll get clean in the city. OK then. I'll lead the way I guess. * Amy starts walking. Wait! ::starts to pick up his stuff:: * Cara gathers her things as well. * A few moments later, everybody has gathered their gear... * Shiho blinks and glances around the area, inwardly cursing. * Shiho follows Amy, her weapon still ready. * Cara doesn't hear Shiho cursing inwardly, and thus doesn't ask what's wrong. * The forest itself begins rather abruptly, there is no real gratient, there is simply clearing that sharply becomes dense forest. There is no path going into the forest, you'll have to make one yourselves. So, how are we supposed to get there? Uh.. You'll have to cut a path, Ichi. Unless you want to try climbing the trees and running across the branches. Uh, no thanks. Ah... these wern't exactly made for cutting trees, but I'll try... Uh. That's a bad idea. Do you have a better one? No, but that's a bad idea. Don't do it. Uhm...If we can't go around, or over, or through... * Shiho sighs. "Alright. But it doesn't look like you'll be able to answer that call of yours any time soon. Right, no cutting. Why? We can go through. Come on. Let's go in. * Amy starts pushing through. * As you break through into the forest iself, it's almost as if the foliage doesn't want to let you through. There's no active resistance, but crushing the grass and smaller saplings out of the way seems somehow harder than it should be. You're soon sweating harder even than when you were plodding through the desert. * Cara pants. "This is...really weird." I like it here. ^_^ * As you push through, you spy a large variety of lizardlike creatures, most of which flee in fear from where they were chewing placidly on leaves. Well, besides how hard it is to get through. * Ichi pushes onward. * After nearly an hour of pushing through the foliage, it begins to thin a bit, and the going is easier. * Amy continues heading for where the call is coming from. Whew. * Cara wipes sweat off her forehead. * Shiho keeps glancing around, not yet convinced the forest is entirely safe. This is an improvement. * FurryCreature jumps out of a tree and lands in front of Cara, green fur bristling. * Amy peers at the little creature. "Aww. Hello there little guy." * FurryCreature GROWLS, emitting a sound FAR too loud for a creature its size. * Cara eep's, and backs away. O.O * Shiho eyes the thing. * FurryCreature is a small, green furred almost catlike creature, perhaps two feet tall at the shoulder. * Amy looks curious at the FurryCreature. "Uh.. What's wrong?" * FurryCreature advances slowly toward Cara. St-st-stay away! * Cara continues to back up. * FurryCreature crouches down a bit, gathering itself for a pounce. * Ichi looks at the green-neko thing and ponders drawing his sword. * Amy looks at the creature. "What'd you do to the poor little guy Cara?" * Cara brings her hands up in front of her fact defensively. "I didn't do anything!" Keep it away! * Amy looks at the little creature. "Hey there. Leave poor Cara alone." * FurryCreature unsheaths inch-long claws from its paws, revealing another catlike feature. Waah! * Shiho tosses the creature some jerky. * FurryCreature turns and pounces on the jerky. * Cara runs and hides behind Shiho. Oh, he was hungry. ^_^ I figured as much. * FurryCreature gnaws on the jerky for a bit and then begins dragging it off into the forest. ...I think I've been out too long, I'm getting worried about cats. * Cara sighs in relief. I don't wanna get all clawed up. ;_; A little caution never hurt anything, Ichi. Thanks, Shiho. ^_^ * A bird lands on a branch right next to Shiho's head. I suppose. * Amy looks curiously at the bird. "Aw. How cute." * Shiho looks up at it. * The bird is perhaps a foot long, from beak to tailfeathers, and colored a deep blue-black. It grins toothily at Shiho. * Cara eyes the bird nervously. "I don't like this place..." .. Wow. That's neat. Weird, but neat. I wonder what it wants. We're all gonna die! *AWK!* * Cara blinks. Wow, he can talk. * Bird speaks in a high-pitched, childlike voice. Is it a parrot? Blood makes the grass grow! *AWK!* * Bird resumes grinning toothily, this time its gaze seems focused on Amy. ... * Amy eyes the bird. "I think it's the soil and water and such that makes the grass grow." Nasty bird... Hmm... Let's make the walls bleed! *AWK!* * Cara shivers, despite the heat. * Amy eyes the bird again. "No walls here. Just trees." I didn't know walls could bleed. * Bird takes off from the branch and swoops down at Amy. * Shiho raises her bow. Wa! * Bird zooms through the air as Shiho puts an arrow just behind it. * Bird races just past Amy's head and swoops off into the forest at an incredible speed. Shiho! Whyja shoot at it? * Bird sings back, taunting, o/~ Rape! Rape! Kill! Kill! Burn, Pillage, Destroy! o/~ Because it looked like it was going to attack you. ... Ok, that might be one reason, but still. * Shiho readies another arrow, just in case. Let's just find your Call and get outta here. Y.. yeah. * Amy continues walking towards the call. * Shiho nods. "I'm inclined to agree with Cara. Sounds good to me. * Cara continues after Amy. * Shiho follows, keeping her senses open. * Ichi walks after and thinks about cold water away from the heat. We're close. * A few minutes later, a large lizardlike creature, nearly eight feet tall and easily six feet wide, sits in the middle of the path, idly grabbing foliage and stuffing it in its mouth. * BipedalLizard munches. Hmm? ::looks around:: *munch, munch, munch* * Cara blinks at the lizard. * Amy looks at the creature. "Hello there. ^_^" * BipedalLizard ignores Amy and keeps eating. *Munch, munch, munch* Wow, he must be hungry. ^_^ * BipedalLizard turns toward Ichi and grabs another handful of grass from the area at his feet. It is now apparent that the creature has no visible ears, or eyes, or even nostrils. Just a mouth, and hands. ... Wow. ... Creepy. ..? * BipedalLizard grabs for another clump of grass, this one dangerously close to Ichi's ankle. * Ichi takes a few steps back and looks for a way around this...walking mouth * It would be no problem at all to simply deviate from your current path and go around the creature. Perhaps we should just go around it. * Cara nods. Sure, I guess so. * BipedalLizard reaches out for another clump of grass and grabs Ichi's ankle. * BipedalLizard lifts Ichi effortlessly towards its mouth. Itchy! EhItai!! Ichi! * Ichi kicks the creature right in its wrist. * BipedalLizard ROARS and lets go of Ichi. * Ichi falls on his head. Itchy! Whaaa::hallow coconut sound:: * Shiho raises her bow, ready to fire if necessary. * BipedalLizard turns directly to face Ichi and ROARS, pounding its 'chest' with its arms. * Cara pulls out her sketchpad. Ichi! * Ichi scrambles to his feet and then away from the lizard. It's not trying to hurt us! It's trying to frighten us away. Don't hurt it! Go around? * BipedalLizard ROARS! Right, back away carefully and go around the long way. * BipedalLizard stamps one foot down in Ichi's general direction. * Cara backs away slow~ly. * Ichi backs up more. * Shiho listens to her own advice. Run! * Shiho listens to Amy's advice more! O.o * Cara bolts, then. * Amy quickly moves away from the cute widdle violent animal. * Ichi runs away! * BipedalLizard makes no move to pursue,a nd is soon out of sight, though the roars continue for some time. We gotta find some way around the poor big guy. * Ichi rubs his head and removes a few leaves from his hair. "yeah..." * It will be quite easy to get around him, as there is no path you need to stick to. * You just move off to the side a ways and go forward toward the Call. * Amy moves to the side a ways, and starts back towards the call. "Come on. ^_^" 'kay. * Shiho follows. * Cara walks after Amy. * Ichi looks around for for the lizard. * Ichi then goes after them * The lizard is not apparent. It has probably gone back to eating happily. * Perhaps fifteen minutes later, you emerge into a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a small, placid pond, with a mirrorlike surface. Next to it stands the creature from the oasis. * Creature eyes you all as you enter. Hey, it's that thing again. * Amy looks at the creature and waves. "Hello there again. ^_^" Yeah. It's been watching us for some time now. * Shiho looks at Amy. "I bet I can guess why." * Amy looks at the creature. "A.. Are you a druid?" * Ichi blinks at Amy. * Creature does not answer, but melts swiftly into the form of an old man, hairless and wrinkled, with dark brown skin. * Cara blinks. "Cool." O.o "Wow..." Wow. * OldMan tilts his head. * OldMan works his lips soundlessly for a moment, and then finds his voice. * OldMan speaks in the voice that people associate with senile old men, the wavering, weak tone. Why... have you... violated... the agreement? T.. the agreement? Agreement? Agreement? What agreement? The... oasis... agreement. W.. what is the oasis agreement? * OldMan gains a little strength as he draws forth his long unused knowledge of the common tongue. Travelers are bound to stay in the spring area, and to take only what water they need for survival on their journey. W.. we're new here. Fools and children. You are both, to come out here without knowing what you face. * Ichi nods slowly. * Cara looks at the ground. Sorry... * OldMan peers at Ichi, Cara, and Shiho. ... * Ichi tries to look the the old man in the face. I... have never known a defiler to draw power from himself rather than the environment around him. Yet here before me... stand three. De-defiler? A what? ...defiler... I will not suffer my lands to be defiled, wizards. Leave, or face the consequences. A what? We...we don't defile anything! Truly, you are naieve, if you know not the meaning of the term Wizard. Such foolishness cannot be suffered in these lands, it will mean the death of us all. Other than hit a creature that had picked me up...What have I done wrong sir? GO! 'n I'm not a wizard. I'm a sorceror. * Cara stomps back into the forest. * Shiho looks over at Amy. * OldMan seems to grow in stature as he becomes angrier. [GO]! * Amy looks confused. Alright. "Come on Ichi, Amy." Hai! ::bows and exits:: * Shiho turns and stalks back into the forest. .. We came all this way for nothin'? ... Aw man. * As you start pushing back through the forest, your trip seems quicker, like the forest itself is pushing you out. To each side, and behind you, is an escort of strange animals, many lizardlike, a few furred, and a few feathered. * Ichi looks for any of the two-legged variaty. * Bird floats along effortlessly above you, (the same from before, by the way). Blood makes the grass grow! Kill! Kill! Kill! ... We may as well leave now. * There are at least two of the same bipedal lizard creatures that nearly ate Ichi. * Amy looks down at the ground, dejected. "I can't believe this happened." * There are not any other bipedal creatures, however. * Shiho shrugs. "It's inevidable. This oasis lies in the center of a vast desert." * Ichi walks a bit faster. "I'd rather not grow the grass, I've been hurt enough already today." In other words, it's a valuable resource. * In perhaps half the time that it took you to get to the center, you are back in the original clearing, at the spring. The fact that someone would seek to claim power over it is no surprise. * Bird floats down and lands just outside the edge of the forest. * Bird grins toothily at Shiho. Anyhow, let's be on our way. Thank you, come again! * Cara is sitting by the edge of the pool and apparently sulking. * Shiho eyes the bird. "The sooner, the better." Have a nice demise! * Rocky chitters to Shiho from within her pack. "Yeah, you too." Don't get any blood in the water! * Ichi sighs, "No bath, angry old man, picked up and thrown...If my gradeschool teachers show up and start lecturing..." You've been a very bad boy! * Ichi facefaults, and decides to stay on the ground for a bit. Bad boy! I don't like this place as much. Everything is all weird. * Ichi looks up. "No,no the second one is supposed to be a threat to call my father." If you die while I'm gone, keep it quiet! * Shiho heads for the path. "Come on, there's no need to stay here any longer." But.. * Cara finally looks up, with a pouty expression on her face. "Fine." * Shiho stops and looks back. "But what?" Don't forget to write! * Cara gets up and walks after everyone. Nothing. * Amy follows after Shiho, still looking dejected. * Ichi stands back up. * Some twenty minutes later, you've reached the top of the path leading down into the oasis. * Shiho looks at Ichi. "The mantis told you there was a city nearby, didn't he? We'll head there next." Yeah he did...It should be in the same direction we were going to get here. * Shiho heads thataway, then. * Amy follows. * Ichi walks on. * Cara follows, too. * And the group marches off into the sunset. Well, actually, perpindicular to the sunset, but that doesn't have the same ring to it, really. [Session End]