[Last Time, on El WHAT?!: Our heroes parted from their mentors after a somewhat rude awakening and journeyed further up the trail on the way to the goblin camp. Emmet and Nick showed off their ninja skillz by scouting ahead of the group, making it possible to ambush a group of goblins and take only a little damage while killing all their enemies.] [They did this with surprising efficiency for novice adventurers, showing that they may well be natural born killers, even Harold, in spite of his misgivings about the whole "chasing down fleeing goblins and smushing them DEAD" thing. Now they're almost to the camp, and ready to begin the second phase of the four part operation.] [Emmet is just behind the treeline now, and can see the thin but sturdy wall that surrounds what can only be the goblin camp. He can also see the gate, which is guarded by a pair of rather sturdy looking guards who are quite alert because of the recent attack.] [Session... START!] * Emmet shields his eyes with his hand for a moment as he scans the wall, and especially the gate. * Tiffany huddles by Harold, seemingly the only party member left as her defense. In a whispered voice, she asks "So... what now?" * Back with the main body of the group, the forest suddenly becomes a whole lot more quiet as Sophie and Fadi disappear. Off in the forest, the slightly less noisy Nick disappears, too.] ... you're asking _me_? * Harold whispers back. * Emmet ducks a little as he slips away from the treeline and back into the forest where the others are hiding. "The camp is pretty quiet," he whispers to them, "but there are a couple of guards at the gate. They look... more professional. Like real soldiers." * Fadi reappears mid-step and clonks into a tree headfirst. good t'see ya. * Emmet winces a little bit sympathetically. "And hi, Fadi." * Fadi hits. "Ouch. Who put that- Hey." * Fadi rubs his head. "Lucky me..." I was just telling the others that the camp is quiet, but there are a couple of soldiers guarding the gate. Goblins, but not like the ones we fought at the bridge. Can we just go around them somehow? There's a perimeter. I don't think we could get over it before they put a bunch of arrows in us. * Fadi rolls his shoulders. "Great..." They're better armed than the others, and they look like they know what they're doing. Then I suppose we need to take one of them out, quietly. So, there are no weakpoints in their defenses? * Tiffany looks at the guards once more. "Well, I'm relatively sure I have a 50/50 chance of making one useless... But I wouldn't know what to do with the other. It would take more time and it's not foolproof." We can't afford to draw attention. If someone raises the alarm we're done for. * Emmet shakes his head. "I'm afraid not, Fadi. It's a pretty professional job. The trees have been cleared away for at least four or five yards all the way around the perimeter." Well, shit. * Fadi looks around. "No, that'd be too much fer this job..." Heck, it wouldn't even work. Hmmm... Worse comes to worst, I suppose Tiffany could use her "trick" on one while we all rushed the other together. But if we weren't quick enough... * Fadi smirks. "Wish Ed was here. He'd be able to get us in there no problem." Or Draghmal. And my 'trick' may not work if the guys' too resilient. Seems like nothing is assured. I'd even settle for Nick right now. But they're not here so we're just going to have to do without... * Emmet sighs. "Do we have anything that can take them from a distance? We'll probably have to rush them anyway. They have metal armor, and shields..." Hmmm... Perhaps one can distract them and run as a decoy. I've got my crossbow... We don't know how fast they are, Fadi. Would you want to run if it might catch you alone? * Harold hrms. "... I could draw their attention, pretend to be a crazed loner, and then lead them back to all of you." hOr I could try my tricks... and if they charge me, y'all jump out and stop them? That'd give us the element of surprise, but that's still... How many of them against us? * Emmet shakes his head again. "Like I said, they seemed pretty professional to me. I think at least one of them will go for help or ring an alarm if we give them time. That's what I would do if I were guarding a gate." Two guards. If we can get them back to the trees I think we can take them if there's only two. But if not... Yeah, but like you said, he'd get more. Well, let me try. They don't *have* to see me... and hopefully I can succeed and lure them toward everyone. If I fail, it's no worse than our other plans. Man. I'd love to have some more backup for this... * Harold hrms again. "... if you're sure. I admit I have no better ideas." Yeah, go for it. We'll lie in wait here. * Emmet nods once, efficiently. "Understood. I found a place with a good view of the gate." ... Or that would work. * Tiffany breaths deeply. "Show me where to lure them if this works. Is here good, or elsewhere?" * Fadi looks at Emmet. * Emmet looks around the spot where the group has gathered. "I... don't know. Training for things is a little different from doing them. This should work." I think we'd best use Emmet's "place". Emmet can show us where it is, then you can circle around and emerge from a different point in the forest when you approach them to make sure you don't give away our location. Exactly. * Emmet nods at Harold's idea, and Fadi's agreement. "Okay." Emmet, lead the way. * Tiffany looks to Emmet to lead the way to the ambush spot... or to at least point out this 'different point in the forest' from which she should lead them. * Emmet turns back toward the edge of the forest, from where he first scanned the camp, and leads the group toward it as quietly and quickly as he can. * Tiffany follows at a very slow pace, taking her time to remain hidden and quiet. * There's no trouble at all getting into position, and it seems that while you were busy gabbing, the guards were slowly getting bored. * Fadi follows, making sure he's quiet, but also trying to keep pace with Emmet. * Harold whispers to Tiffany. "Alright. See to it, then." * Tiffany waits a few moments for the location to sink in, and sees that everyone hides well in the ambush spot before heading off toward the gate. * Emmet stops when he arrives at area, and motions for quiet when the others arrive. He peers through the last layer of cover to watch the gate while Tiffany slinks off to create a distraction. * Fadi hides as well as he can behind the brush. He observes the gate from the cover. * Tiffany makes her way to within 20 feet of the guards and gathers her wits. She then slowly leans up, hiding as best as she can behind foliage, and begins whispering the arcane words that are her trade. She stares intently at the closer goblin, hoping for the desired effect. * One goblin shivers for a moment, and his companion perks up a bit. * The two converse for a moment and apparently decide it was just a chilly wind coming off the nearby mountains. * Tiffany smiles to herself before repeating the procedure for the farther gobbo. * After a moment, the second goblin shivers, too, and the pair begin to suspect something is up, eyeing the foliage uneasily. * Tiffany smiles and slowly steps out of the foliage, grinning at the two gobbos, seductively. She appears strangely unfrightened of the consequences of being caught by these two gate guards. * The guards straighten up quickly and draw their swords lightning-quick, but quickly relax as Tiffany comes closer. "Oh, s'you. Who are you, again?" * Harold watches on, boggling at the effect of the spell. * Tiffany puts on her cutest pout. "You don't remember? Or are you just being coy?" * Fadi blinks. * The goblins look confused. "Huh?" * Tiffany takes a few steps away from the gobbos and into the underbrush again. "Now come on, I have something to show you that requires a little more... privacy." * Fadi stares in disbelief. * The goblins STARE. ... * Tiffany moves slowly, waving her hands for them to approach and grinning her widest grin. We're really not supposedta leave the gate. * Emmet arches an eyebrow, but keeps watching. Well, then, you really don't remember last time. I thought that night of passion would have emblazoned itself on your memory like it did on mine. Two big... burly men like you. Little ol' me. * Harold chokes back an interesting sort of gagging sound. * The pair's eyes bulge out and they prop their nice, shiny shields on the gateposts. Let's go. No kidding. * Tiffany slowly leads the gobbos back toward the place her friends are hiding. * The goblins follow eagerly. * Tiffany approaches the ambush spot and moves through the center of it, leading the gobbos as if to move right through it... hoping the ambush goes forward as planned. If it doesn't, she's pretty S.O.L.! * Emmet sees the goblins approaching their hiding place behind Tiffany, and readies his axe. He closes his eyes for a moment of silent and unfamiliar prayer. * Fadi draws his greatsword, but keeps low to the ground so he's somewhat hidden in the little area. * The goblins walk right into the center of the trap. * Fadi shifts a quick glance to Emmet and Harold. * Harold _almost_ goes for his crossbow-- but at the last moment, settles for his staff instead. * Harold glances back and nods. Now or never. * Tiffany 's hands move furtively into her robes, no doubt gripping her darts. * Emmet nods and steps forward as quickly as he can, raising his axe high for a strike. * Emmet curses under his breath before his swing is even partially completed; his wrist was tight with anticipation, and the large curved blade of his greataxe whistles uselessly down past the nearer goblin. * Harold tries to cover for Emmet by stepping out and taking a powerful swing at the very same goblin... that whistles harmlessly over his head. * Fadi runs up, swinging the sword from his low-running position for the goblin's ribs and standing in one swift motion. * Tiffany 's hands come out of her monk's clothes and begin tracing arcane runes through the air. Though there is no visible effect, she looks mighty pleased. "Sorry, friends, nothing too special for you today." * Fadi's greatsword thrusts through the space the goblin occupied just a second earlier, the side of the blade glancing off the scaled armor and throwing up a shower of sparks and a slight screech of metal on metal. * Harold spins his staff and rushes in more aggressively, striking at his target with either end of the weapon. * The first goblin keeps spinning, allowing the first strike to slam into his armor's plates. He whips his gleaming shortsword from its sheath, parrying the second strike smoothly and continuing his whirl to cut a long slit in Fadi's shirt. * The second goblin draws its shortsword even more smoothly than the first, since it wasn't hit at all, and leaves a long, bloody slash down Emmet's non-arrow nicked forearm. * Emmet grunts and whirls his axe around for another swing, but the goblin's strike causes his mucles to clench and his blade once again comes short of its target. * Fadi manages to back-pedal enough to avoid the brunt of the goblin's slash on him. "Nobody ruins my shirt." He swings horizantally forward with his greatsword, using it's reach to his full advantage. * The massively phallic sword slams into and through the goblin's armor, slamming the goblin itself up against a tree. It gets back to its feet slowly, but is obviously in a lot of pain. * Tiffany steps toward the enemy, a gleam in her eyes. "Perhaps it's time that you dropped your swords and we can spare you the wrath of our warriors. Best agree now, before the sorceress Tiffany and her soldiers carve you in two." Tiffany moves her hand toward them in a smooth gesture and lifts two stones off the ground (with magic), that seem to spin in front of her, framing her form. * The goblin who just got caught between a sword and a hard place drops his sword quickly, the shining blade sinking several inches into the soft ground just under its own weight. Seeing his companion give up, the other goblin throws his sword to the ground and raising his hands submissively in the air. * In a flash of no light and plenty of magic, Sophie appears mid-gesture, her now-existent sword nearly impaling a goblin's head. The goblins suddenly fall to the ground in fear and begin worshiping her. * Tiffany whirls the two stones backwards and catches them, one each hand. In a regal voice, she continues, "Tie them up, warriors of the Auryn. We have other matters to attend to." * Harold lets out a grateful sigh at the relatively peaceful ending, then nods to Tiffany. * Fadi stands ready still, while the other two use rope. He grins as if he really wants to hurt some goblins. * Sophie disappears again. The goblins redouble their worship. * Emmet stares, first at Tiffany and then at Sophie, and then back. His right hand holds his arm while his left goes to that arm. "This getting cut to ribbons thing is getting pretty old." * Fadi fishes a length of rope out of his backpack. "Here. Use this." * Harold gets to the work of tying the two goblins to a likely-looking tree, working slowly and carefully. HIs nerves are remarkably steady, all things considered. * With the efforts of four people, the group manages to thoroughly tie the two goblins to a tree, with their swords sitting several feet away, still on the ground, shining brightly. We should take the blades with us to make sure they don't get into mischief with them. * Fadi sheathes his greatsword now that the gobbos are tied up. He also walks over to the swords and picks one up. "Think we could sell these later?" Possibly... we can worry about it when we get back to town. They do look nice. Very well kept. * Harold picks up the other one. * Tiffany walks up to the goblins. Her voice turns sincere... for once. "I'm sorry, guys. I really feel bad leading you on like that... but we had to. Friends'll be along eventually to untie you, I'm sure of it." Very nice. * Fadi gives Harold the second sword hilt-first. "I'll keep usin' mine, though." * The gate is now unguarded, and has two nice, shiny shields sitting there for the taking. * Fadi glances at their armor. "I think we should take their armor, but... I doubt we'd be able to carry it effectively." * Emmet eyes the goblins for a moment before returning his attention to the gate. "They left those shields behind..." I... uh.. can't carry it. But their shields are over by the gate, ripe for the picking on the way by. * Fadi smiles at the gobbos. "And that would require some other *nasty* concequences for them." The armor would be too encumbering, I think. We can get the shields. Agreed. Fadi, killing an enemy in cold blood isn't very... professional. Emmet, Tiffany, do either of you think you could use this sword? * Fadi shrugs. "Why do you think their heads are still there?" I think I'll take you up on that, Harold. Let me sling my axe... * Tiffany looks like her charisma has leaked out over the last few exertions. "Not... uh... well. And nobody's killing the gobbos. They're out of the way, and there's no reason to hurt them any more. It would be shameful." It would be murder, given the circumstances. * Emmet puts his axe away, letting its weight hang against his backpack on his back. "Now I'll be glad to take one of those swords..." * Harold 's voice is absolutely frigid with disapproval of the idea as he hands Emmet the sword hilt-first. Fadi, Emmet, could either of you use those shields out there? Yes. I'm planning on it. My arms are starting to kill me. I need all the cover I can get. * Fadi shakes his head. "Not if I plan on using my greatsword." Hmm... Tiffany, think you could carry one? * Emmet hefts the short sword and makes a few practice thrusts in the air. After a moment, he nods and looks toward the gate again. He does not put the sword away. Well, Emmet. Lead us on to the gate so we can collect our loot and continue on our mission. I'd need a new weapon if I'm gonna use one. Although, using one of those swords would probably work. Okay. This way. We should probably stay low. I didn't see any watchtowers, but you never know... You're better off with the greatsword, I think. * Fadi nods and smirks. "I agree." * Emmet waits for the others to ready themselves before leading the way toward the gate, short sword in hand and at the ready this time. * Fadi follows trying to keep low. He keeps the greatsword out as well. Never know when you might be jumped. * Tiffany smiles. "Warriors of the Auryn. I kinda like that." Then she thinks out loud... "Oh... I suppose a status update would be useful now." Tiffany clutches her ringed hand and closes her eyes for but a moment. * Harold waits for Tiffany to finish before he leaves, to make sure she isn't left behind. oh... wait! * Fadi blinks and looks back at Tiff. * Tiffany turns back to the gobbos. "Tell me everything about your leader." -- eh? * Fadi smirks. Can't forget *this* part. He's a human! Got the same mark like yours, Great Priestess! Right on his hand! * Fadi raises an eyebrow. * Tiffany opens her mouth in awe and spends visible effort resetting it in it's place. "What else? What does he look like? * Emmet comes back from the front fringe of the group and watches the interrogation without a word. Big guy. Big hammer, too. Lives in the big house by the cave. We're digging out the cave, dunno why. Cave's got that mark like yours, too. ... * Harold takes in a sharp breath, eyes narrowing in quietly suppressed anger. Has he said anything personal about himself... where he's from or why he's organizing you? * Fadi takes a deep breath. He says we gotta dig out the cave, find rhymes. Dunno why he wants the rhymes in there, they're awful hard to get. I got plenty of rhymes he could have. How do you find these rhymes? are they on the walls of the cave? Dunno. Couple days ago, boss get real angry, said something about a lock. Maybe it's all locked up. Don't know how you could lock up a rhyme, though. * Tiffany thinks to herself, thumbing her ring and communicating in more ways than is obvious. "Has he said where he's from... another world? A specific place in that world?" Boss is from Gateway. Big city. Lotsa ships. Gateway... hmm... All right. One last question for now. What's his name? Boss. I shoulda known. Wow. That's descriptive. * Emmet grunts in brief amusement, and cocks a grin. "Are we ready to go now?" * Tiffany pats both gobbos on the shoulder. "Thanks, guys. We're off then. Have fun." * Emmet turns back toward the forest edge and camp beyond, ready to lead the group onward. Okay! * Fadi smirks, following Emmet. * Harold heads on, turning the information over in his mind. * In the distance, an explosion sounds, and a cloud of smoke rises over the forest. * Tiffany smiles. "My mentor at work. And he says he's not having problems." * Fadi glances back at Tiffany. "I *hope* that's the other group." Good. * Emmet perks up a bit and turns to look at the smoke. "Magic, then? So it can work like... artillery. It must replace a lot of technology here." * The unguarded gates are still there. About halfway through the camp, a goblin runs along, carrying a tray with three massive sandwiches and a winebottle. 's what I'm guessing. Like in all those crappy movies. * Tiffany becomes more talkative once the group is out of earshot of the gobbos. "Yeah. Draghmal knows a lot of it... though I'm not sure what all kinds I'll be able to learn. Oh, and for future notice, I can't be as persuasive as I just was many more times today. It takes a lot of focus when you're still learning." * Emmet grabs a shield and pauses long enough to strap it to his arm. He looks immensely more comfortable once he's carrying it. "Fair enough, Tiffany. Now... what do we do about this camp?" Find 'Boss', I assume. I say we find Boss. * Harold waits to see if Tiffany or Fadi are going to take the shield. Okay. * Fadi doesn't take it. Greatsword, remember? * Emmet waits patiently for somebody with more intelligence and leadership skill to tell him how they plan to find Boss. * Tiffany looks over at Emmet somewhat annoyed-like. She is apparently expecting more praise for risking her neck. "Fine. Boss-finding it is. Who wants the other shield?" * Fadi rolls his neck. "Good job there, by the way. If ya want, I'll see about getting something to drink when we get back." It'd make me less effective. I don't suppose you could take it? Thanks, Fadi. I could take the shield, if I can carry it. I'd have to drop it in a pinch, though. That's fine. Well, I might be able to strap it to my back. But that'd just be cumbersome. * Tiffany moves over to the shield and bends her knees. In standing with the sheild, she groans from the effort, and ends up more dragging it than carrying it. "Then *grunt* we should just throw it off the path and get moving." Okay. Maybe we can grab it on the way back? * Fadi rolls his eyes. What? These things are useful. I hope this one will be, anyway. Yes, let's just throw it off the path and get going if no one can get use from it. * Fadi walks over to Tiff. "Here, I'll take it." Not like I'll use it, but I can at least carry it. * Tiffany stands gracefully. "Thanks." -- or that works, too. * Fadi slides some rope through it, and makes a makeshift back-holder for it. "Now, let's get going. Where's Boss?" I wonder if he might not be around that cave they mentioned... Well, one side of the camp is nearest the hills... the cave should be there, so let's head that way with Emmet scouting. * Fadi nods. * As you enter the mostly deserted camp, the mountains loom closely to your left. * Fadi would loom back, but he's not stupid. * You're only in the foothills now, but the mountains are close. Very close. * Emmet looks to Tiffany, with a glance at Harold as well. "Are we just going that way right now?" Sounds good to me. I can't think of anything else we could try offhand. Let's give it a shot. * Emmet nods, and heads off in the direction as instructed. * Fadi follows at a steady clip. * Your footsteps thump loudly in the eerily quiet camp. As you maneuver slowly through the tents and crude buildings, no goblins leap out at you, thankfully. What _does_ leap out at you is the sight of a much larger cabin than the rest, obviously sized for a human. What's even MORE impressive is the parthenon-style facade carved into the hillside just beyond the cabin, with the Auryn emblazoned boldly at the peak. ... ... let's take a look at the cabin, shall we? Daaaaaammmn. * Emmet shortens his step when the chiseled building face looms ahead. "Woah. Okay, cabin." He tears his gaze away from the hillside. "Where? Oh. Cabin." Yeah, check the cabin. I'm glad there aren't many wandering gobbos... I wonder if they're congrigating in or near the cabin. I bet they're having fun with our mentors. * The cabin's door is shut, and this particular cabin appears rather better constructed than the others. I'm worried about the ones that are *not* wandering, Tiffany... That's my bet, too... if anyone lives here it's 'Boss'. ... of all the times for Nick not to be here... Emmet, do you mind trying the door? * Fadi looks at the door. "Any of you guys pick locks? Or we going to have to break it down?" Okay. * Emmet walks up to the door and studies it for a moment. To him, it just looks like any other door. He gingerly tries the handle. * The handle turns. * A deep voice comes from within. "Come in, already! ... Or you could do that. * Tiffany draws a dart and gasps slightly at the voice. * Emmet turns back to the group and shrugs. He waves fadi forward desperately with his sword, and then pushes the door open. * The interior of the cabin is a single large room, lit by four blazing torches. At the far end, a man sits at a desk, and has half turned to face you. He appears to be no more than thirty, as his hair has not yet begun to grey. Against either wall lounges a heavily armed goblin guard. * Fadi nods and steps to the forefront of the group. It's about time you got here. * Harold tightens his grip on his quarterstaff; this _has_ to be it. He makes sure to be near Tiffany... * Tiffany lowers her dart slightly. "Forgive the delay... we didn't know we were expected. Who *are* you?" * Fadi raises an eyebrow. I'm Hrapp, you imbecile. It's about time you got here, the damn lock's been holding up against everything we can throw at it, and this stupid tattoo doesn't do a thing. * Tiffany scowls. "If you're as ingenuitive as you are tactful, it's no wonder you haven't gotten beyond this lock you're so concerned about." * Emmet blinks and glances warily from this Hrapp guy to Tiffany, and back. * Harold casts quick glances to Emmet and Fadi, trying to give them the idea that they should just play along with whatever Tiffany's doing this time. * Fadi glances around the room from where he stands. * Hrapp scowls right back. "I hope you can do better, or we're all dead, wench. We don't have much time, we've already got a bunch of adventurers taking out all the goblins." * Tiffany smiles at the realization that the man isn't omnicient, despite how he sounded earlier. "Lower the insults and start explaining the situation and we'll see what we can do. I'd much prefer that to duking it out." Well, you'll have to show us where the lock is before we can do anything about it. As if you could duke it out with me and my guards and hope to survive. Feh. Where do you THINK the lock is? It's in the goddamn cave we've been excavating for MONTHS! * Tiffany makes a show of putting away her dart and stepping forward boldly into the room. "So since you appear to know who we are, would you mind introducing yourself?" * Fadi grips at the hilt of his greatsword (Which is at his side), but doesn't draw it. I've already introduced myself. You're as deaf as you are stupid. I'm Hrapp of Gateway, mercenary taskmaster. Who else would I be? * Hrapp eyes Tiffany suspiciously. Do you come from the other world like we do? I'm not sure where they train mercenery taskmasters there. He sent me lunatics. He SENT ME A BUNCH OF LUNATICS! * Fadi rolls his eyes. If you need us as much as you claim to, I suggest you stop being so insulting and start explaining what we're doing here. * Hrapp freezes mid-step. His fingers clench around the handle of the warhammer that hangs from his belt. * Emmet mentally braces himself for some kind of violence... Excuse me? * Fadi flexes the fingers around his greatsword. No, excuse me. I didn't realize I was dealing with someone who would throw around the kinds of adjectives you would without first explaining what we need to know. If we're going to help you, you NEED to talk to us. He _said_ you'd take care of everything. He _said_ you'd been told everything you needed to know. Who are you, and why don't you know what you're supposed to know? * Tiffany puts her hands on her hips and hopes that her attempts to reason with the guy work. "We're renowned soldiers from another reality. But as for being debriefed, we haven't been. Perhaps you'd be so kind." Fine. How 'bout you tell us who sent you here, then. We came here of our own accord. Your soldiers are not hard to deal with. We were in search of who or whatever took us from our home, and it looks like we've found someone who might know. Who summoned us, and what is his bidding? Sounds like you're not supposed to be here, girlie. * Hrapp motions to the two guards and they quickly take up positions next to him. * Fadi draws his greatsword. * Tiffany smiles. "Perhaps not. But you do appear to be the kind of person we could gain a lot from allying with. Explain your situation and we'll consider it." * Emmet doesn't have to draw anything, really. He just sort of holds sword and shield up a bit more. * Fadi rolls his neck. "I doubt you're willing to talk." * Tiffany grins an evil grin. "So are we going to get what we need out of you, or are we going to finish you off first, and then loot the place? Your choice." You're going to feed my dogs, whore. Don't try to take the strong position with me. Your skill is pathetic. * Fadi smiles and holds his sword forward, motioning with his other hand across his throat. "Bring it, punks." * Sophie makes her presence known once more as the pops into existence behind Hrapp, facing the desk, still holding her sword at the ready. * Fadi smirks. * Hrapp spins around. "Ambush! Kill them!" * Sophie blinks. "...Huh?" * Harold surges forward before Hrapp's men have the chance to act, swinging his staff at Hrapp himself. He's unused to fighting in confined spaces and has to correct his first swing mid-motion to keep from hitting the ceiling, but the other end of the staff should strike true. * Hrapp reacts quickly, stepping back and bringing his hammer up to deflect most of the force of the hit, but he's still forced back towards Sophie a step. * The goblin on Hrapp's right whips his sword smoothly from its sheathe and swipes at Harold, but the blurring quarterstaff forces it to duck backwards and withdraw the strike. * Emmet steps forward and thrusts his new shortsword at the nearest goblin, but by now his arms are weak with the beatings they've taken, and his attack is hardly near its mark. * Fadi yells as he charges forward, swinging his greatsword at Hrapp with more strength than he really should be able to muster. His muscles bulge slightly as he does so, and he doesn't seem to regard much in the way of defense after this attack. * The greatsword whistles loudly through the air, cutting through the noise of combat as people scramble to get out of the way. Hrapp barely manages to evade the chop, which takes a large divot out of the wooden floor. * Sophie doesn't exactly know what's going on, but hey! Fadi's trying to kill that guy, so he must be an enemy. She moves to the opposite side Fadi's charging at and swings swiftly yet viciously. * Unfortunately for Hrapp, he backs away from Fadi's sword and right onto Sophie's sword, and is impaled nicely through the lung. He coughs up a gout of blood, but stays on his feet, swaying a little. "If I have to go, I'm taking you with me!" * The goblin nearest poor, battered Emmet draws its own sword and slashes mightily, but the blade glances off Emmet's shield. * Emmet shouts, more out of shock than anything, but silently he is very relieved to find that the shield actually worked. * Tiffany raises her arms and chants all-too-familiar arcane words. Then, in a Dread Pirate Robertsesque way, finishes with, "Drop... Your... Sword!" * Fadi would crack up if he wasn't filled with bloodlust. * Emmet would, too, if he weren't basically cowering behind a large sheet of steel. * Sophie would, too, if she knew what was happening. * The goblin drops its sword and backs away from Emmet. * Hrapp screams in rage, splattering blood on Sophie's clothing. He slams his hammer into her sword, sending it far off guard, and then slams the massive chunk of metal straight into her ribs, knocking all the wind out of her. * Sophie staggers back and falls to her knees, clutching her stomach. * Harold tries to press his advantage, but the shock of seeing what he does to Sophie, along with the lack of manuevering room, makes his technique falter badly. Both hits miss, leaving Harold to curse himself for choking when his skill matters most. * Emmet lunges desperately at the violent, hammer-wielding human once the goblin steps out of the fray. * Hraap spins about madly, whipping his hammer around and batting the sword away just as the tip digs into the skin over his ribs. * Fadi brings his sword up from where it hit last, swearing and yelling the whole way, and brings the pain from the bottom-left to the upper-right this time, trying to cut Hrapp into two equal-sized pieces. * Hraap keeps spinning, but in the wrong direction, and the massive sword cuts a deep trench across his back. He staggers forward, towards Sophie. * Sophie stands up very suddenly, bringing her sword up vertically as she goes, chopping his arm off right from the shoulder. * Hraap has just enough time to realize what's happened before the shock and blood loss slam into his brain like a freight train into a fruit stand. He falls over, blood spurting from his stump to cover the goblin next to him. * Sophie spits out some blood and cleans her blade with a swift flick. She looks down at him. "Bloody wanker." * Tiffany turns to the remaining combatant. "I suggest you surrender now, before you mirror his fate. There is no reason for more bloodshed today." * The goblin makes what must be a particularly rude gesture in goblin culture, but to Tiffany just looks like he's waving. * The other goblin, which had just opened its mouth to say something, clamps it shut at the sight of the gesture. * Harold swipes his quarterstaff down at the goblin making the rude gesture. It looks a bit more impressive than his last effort, but the staff's end sadly comes down about a foot or so away from where it'd need to be to do damage.... * Emmet growls and steps forward, trying to avoid the fallen and bleeding body of Hraap as he thrusts hard at the goblin that remains fighting. * The goblin neatly parries against the similarly armed human, letting the blade slide into the wall, which easily absorbs the stab. * Fadi brings his sword up and around, trying to make the Gobbo's face meet his own ass. * The goblin screams and ducks, and the massive blade whistles over its head, removing what little hair the poor thing had. * Sophie rushes right up to the thing and impales it through the gut. * The goblin screams as it's neatly impaled, and it drops its sword. She shrinks back against the wall and cowers, obviously begging for mercy. * Tiffany moves forward and retrieves the two dropped weapons, throwing them out of the way before turning her attention on Hrapp's mangled form. Let's get out of here! * Fadi swings his sword again, but this time hitting the floor right in front of the goblin. He obviously relaxes a bit too much, and looks fairly fatiuged. He woozies around a little. "Woah... That takes a LOT out of you." * Emmet points at the uninjured goblin with his sword, and motions him over toward the bleeding, cowering creature with a flick of the blade. Hopefully the intent to keep the two close together would be clear. * Sophie sheathes her sword and clutches her ribs. "Yeah. What's going on anyhow?" * The unharmed goblin moves quickly to aid his injured companion. * Tiffany grimaces. "Well, we got him good. Goblin, huddle with your friend so we can tie you up. Good boy." * Fadi rubs his head, fishing out another 10ft length of rope with the other one. "Here." * Emmet takes this opportunity to step out of the pool of sticky, coagulating blood around his boots. His brown skin takes on a faint green tint, but he keeps his mouth shut. * Harold 's hands are shaking a bit from the adrenaline rush. * Fadi swings his sword, getting any blood off of it and sheathing it. "We killed the fucking bastard. Now what?" * Tiffany holds her breath. The stench is something she's getting used to... but slowly. She then rifles through Hrapp's person, looking for anything of usefulness. Tiffany, can you contact our teachers and find out what we should do next? Why'd we have to do this, again? It's in our damn job description. That's why. * Tiffany looks up at Harold. "Already done. But he's giving me instructions I'm not sure how to follow... hold on a sec." * Fadi takes the gobbo's armerments. What kind of weapons were they using? * Emmet wipes his own sword clean on one leg of his trousers. They were already spattered with mud and blood, anyway. He walks back to the door and looks outside, scanning the camp for activity. * Hrapp's body yields up nothing of value save a small signet ring and his hammer. Perched on a dummy in one corner is a suit of scale mail and a large shield, and then there's his desk, which has several papers out on top right now, and several drawers. * Tiffany *hrrm*'s. "Draghmal says to take anything that looks of even minor value and search the place for clues. It's prolly magical. He also says we should investigate the cave ASAP so his group can let the remaining Gobbos go." * The goblins were using short swords, just as the ones at the gate were. These would appear to be the elite guard. * Fadi takes short swords, then! * Tiffany takes the signet ring and leaves the hammer for someone else to carry. She then moves over to the table and begins to rifle quickly through the papers, looking for anything of value. * Sophie sighs and starts searching the place. "Jolly ho, just the chance I've been waiting for." * Emmet looks back into the room. "It's quiet out there, so far. Are we going to take that armor, too?" Yeah, we better. It's of decent value... and might be magical. If somebody knows how to buckle it, I'll put it on. Or Harold can. Seems like the best way to carry it. * Fadi blinks at the armor. I think I could wear it provided it's not too heavy. I bet I could handle it too. Okay. ... actually, yes, let Fadi hve it. He's obviously stronger, he could carry it better. * Emmet walks over to the armor and lifts it from the dummy. By all means. Alright, then. Come here, Fadi. I'll get you armored up. Sophie, are you feeling okay? Who's taking that warhammer? * The armor is sized for someone of fairly large size, but it looks like it could be altered without too much trouble. * Fadi walks over to Emmet. "Hope that stuff isn't too uncomfortable..." * Tiffany smiles. "Interesting. One sheet talking about our neverending story... and one map showing a 'Couplet 1'." Tif grabs these items and tucks them away in her shirt. "All right. Let's move and look over the stuff later." It might be a little loose on you, but I think I can sinch the buckles up snug. That should work. Neverending wha-? Okay. Let me just finish this... * Fadi takes off his backpack and stuff while it's put on. Sounds like a song that never ends... * Emmet helps Fadi into the armor. Don't you remember? The old man after we woke up talked about a neverending story. And now clues to it are showing up here. We're on the right track! * Fadi tries to help himself into the armor too. * Sophie chuckles painfully at Emmet. "Nah, that didn't hurt 't all." [And on that sarcastic note... Session End!]