[The way to Blind Edward's home is just as you remember it, luckily. The door is closed when you arrive.] * Nick glances around. * Nick shrugs and knocks on the door. * There's no answer. * Nick knocks again, a bit louder. * The door does not respond. * Nick sighs in disgust, turns, and starts walking away. * A knife plants itself in front of Nick. * There's a note tied to the knife's hilt. * Nick blinks, kneels down, and takes both the knife and the note, reading the latter. You give up too easily, student. Bah, old people.. * Nick stands up and turns around, heading back for the door. * The door waits boldly for Nick. * Nick pounds on the door once. * No response. * Nick brightens and pulls out his tools, attempting to pick the lock. * The lock gives way before Nick's mighty tool. * Nick pushes the door open, putting his tools away. * The door swings open. Hey, anyone home? * Blind Edward's voice comes from the back. "come on back, but mind the traps." Aw, hell. * Nick peers inside, without actually stepping into the house. * Nick pockets the knife, while he's at it. * Nick spots no obvious traps. * Nick almost takes his first step, stops, and looks again. * Nick spots a tripwire strung across the doorway. * Nick kneels down and attempts to get rid of it. * The tripwire snaps, and Nick's head is not suddenly removed from his shoulders. * In fact, nothing happens at all. * Except for a yell coming from the back of the house, "Did you break my gods damned tripwire!?" No idea what you're talking about! You're still a bad liar! Get back here! * Nick mutters and stands up, walking to the back. What are you here for? I need guidance, or something like that. Hell, I'm not even sure. HAH! How can I help you if you don't know what you want? Well, the altarboy says we need to head northeast.. Northeast is the Gap and Gateway. Good pickings. Gateway? Biggest city in the area. Lots of commerce, lots of people. That means lots of work for people of our persuasion. Huh. Got any ruins around it? Like places that'd hold dragons or something? Not really. Farms, mostly, until you get down to the swamp, and in the middle of that there's Mishrak. Mishrak? Ruins of an old city, sitting right in the middle of a swamp. Right now, it's inhabited by swamp goblins. Nasty little buggers. Ruins, eh? How northeast of us are those? They're a bit south of east. Huh. Alright, thanks. * Nick grins, gives a thumbs-up, and turns to leave. Seeya, kiddo. * Nick strides out of the house, closing the door behind him. [..Done?] [End Split]