[Last Time, on El WHAT?!: The group learned something downright troublesome. They've killed an elf, not a vulcan, and that means that his kin are going to vow undying vengeance. Wonder if our heroes are ready to begin a new career as pincushions.] [Not only that, but Nick was abducted by halflings and half elves, of all people, and taken to answer to the local guildmaster for his... transgressions. Nick, you poor, stray soul, you. Harold would pray for your soul, if only he were here.] [Sophie and your new friend Chiaki, have disappeared, leaving behind thier horses, which means that there are four horses and only three heroes. Unless you count Thundar the Barbarian Warhorse, in which case there are four heroes and only three horses.] [We open on the lodgings acquired for the party at The Caravan Guard, a nice inn with attached tavern.] [Session... START] * Lunch... is SERVED. It smells good. It even looks good. Much better than McDonalds. * Fadi is, well, looking over Lunch. And because it looks Good that's a Good Thing (tm). * Nick is leaning back in his chair, feet propped up and plate in his lap. * Emmet is looking around uncertainly from his vantage point a short distance behind Nick. "This isn't the same building I was in just a minute ago." * Chiaki appears, much to her dismay, at the lunch table. There is no pop or zort to accompany her arrival, nor is there a chair, which leaves her in the rather awkward position known as the "electric chair" You've been gone for a day or so. We killed a weretiger. Say hello to the new girl. * Nick gestures to the recently-appeared Chiaki with his fork. * Fadi nods. "S'up Emmet. Welcome back Chiaki." * Emmet raises an eyebrow as he looks over at the individual indicated. "New girl? You mean somebody else from the real-- I mean, our world?" * Chiaki blinks, then orients herself and waves to the others. "Um, hi!" Take a seat, lunch is here. Yup. Thanks. * Chiaki smiles and finds herself a seat nearby. Chiaki, this is Emmet. Emmet, this is Chiaki. * Chiaki nods toward Emmet. "Nice to meet you, Emmet. Where are you from?" * Emmet takes a seat as instructed. "Pleased to meet you too, Chiaki. I was in Florida before I came here. You?" Japan. Near Tokyo. Oh. Have they told you about the poem yet? * Nick is, by the way, wearing a large, bright yellow smiley face on a black cord around his neck. It's made of metal and gleams brightly. * Emmet picks some lunch off of whatever serving dish appears to belong to Nick and Fadi. * Chiaki shakes her head. "What poem?" * Emmet responds between bites, but only after chewing and swallowing his food completely. He's not a savage, after all. "There's a poem that should help us get back home, if we can find all of the... verses." He glances at Nick and Fadi for support. "They're called verses, right?" Yep. * Nick seems too consumed with his food to talk much. * Fadi consumes food. Mmm, food. * Chiaki picks up a fork (if there are utensils). "Itadakimasu." She joins the others in eating. * Emmet nods and takes another bite. "So we're looking for them. Harold and Tiffany know more about this stuff, I think. Have you met them?" * Fadi manages to force a "Yeah, verses" between bites. * Nick mutters something in Spanish. * Chiaki shakes her head. "I've met Sophie, Nick, and Fadi..." Harold and Tiff have vanished and not come back for a bit now. Oh. We seem to disappear and reappear at random in this place. It's weird, but you get used to it. * Chiaki nods. "I'm still getting used to it." She shudders a little. "The first time I appeared, I thought I was going to be trampled by a horse." * Fadi takes another bite. "You'll get used to the 'life threatened' bit too." * Emmet grunts. "Yeah. We have horses now?" Four of'em. Although one of them will only respond to Sophie. Oh. You guys have been busy. What was that you said about a tiger? Weretiger. * Fadi nods. Was originally an elf, turned into a big tiger. Were... oh, like a werewolf? Yeah. Sort of. We thought we'd killed Mr. Spock. Huh? Y'know, elves? Pointy ears? Uhm... like Keebler elves? Think the bigger elves. Like in that Lord of the Rings movie? I think I know what you're talking about. Yeah. Mm. Weird. Do they all change into animals? * Chiaki looks thoughtful. "So there are elves here. Elves that change into tigers." She hesitates. "What else is strange about this place?" I'm bettin' that wasn't normal. Well, I guess they're like werewolves, so.. I would've bought the ly..canthropy guide, but it was way too expensive. Oh. There are goblins, Chiaki. I don't know if I could do a good job of describing them, but they're mean. * Sophie appears in Nick's lap, a forkfull of food headed straight for her mouth. * Nick doesn't take this well, falling backwards in his chair. And dont forget the dragons either. * Fadi chuckles. "Heya Sophie." * Sophie panics and knocks the chair over! Bloody hell! * Sophie and Nick end up tangled up on the floor in the remains of the chair. * Sophie gets to her feet quickly. * Nick actually manages to keep one arm sticking out with the plate, most of the food still on it. * Chiaki blinks, then laughs. "Hi, Sophie." * Emmet jumps to his feet, knocking his chair over when Sophie appears and falls on the floor with Nick. "Oh. Hi, Sophie." He picks his chair up and retakes his seat. * Nick stands up and puts his plate on the table, speaking rapid-fire Spanish and looking displeased. Honestly. * Nick stops and takes a deep breath. * Sophie shakes her head, then turns to Emmet. "Oh, hullo Emmet. I haven't seen you for a long while." * Several people turn and STARE at Nick. The innkeeper glares at him from across the room and calls out loud enough to be heard over the general din, "I'll not have language like that in my inn, mister. Take it outside." Yeah, yeah! You'll be paying for that chair, too. * Emmet winces and turns his attention away from Nick for the moment. "So, Chiaki... do you have a weapon yet? You'll probably need one." * Nick pulls out a gold piece and tosses it at the innkeep. * Fadi shrugs. "Well, I still got a pair of sheilds and short swords from when we raided those goblins. That should be good enough for now." * Chiaki shakes her head. "No, I don't. I still have my bag and my clothes, but that's about all." She holds up her black schoolbag to show Emmet. * The innkeeper snatches the coin out of the air and it disappears somewhere uknown. * Nick starts and heads over to the bar, speaking quietly to the barkeep. * Sophie finds a seat and sits down. "I have my old fencing sword, should you wish to borrow it." I...I don't really know how to fight or anything. I was in the kyuudou - um, archery, I think - club back at school, but... * Emmet gives Chiaki's bag a quick glance and nods. "We'll need to get you a better bag, too. We don't have any bows, so you'll need something else." * Fadi hmmms. "We could see about getting you a bow then. We should get moving soon, but that doesn't mean we should leave unprepared." * Chiaki nods slowly, but she looks unsure. "...Is it necessary to carry weapons around this place?" It's not a bad idea, certainly. Then again, where is it a good idea to be unarmed? It certainly seems that way. * Nick sighs and heads back over. "Guys.." ..And, uh, who needs a bow? * Fadi looks over at Nick. "What's up?" * Emmet opens his mouth to answer, but then turns when Nick approaches. "Yeah? Chiaki says she can shoot, and I could use a bow too." Big one or small one? * Nick uses hand gestures to communicate sizes. * Chiaki nods. "It's the only weapon I know how to use... The kind I use is, well, taller than me. About this tall." She gestures to demonstrate the height. I've never, ah, shot at a living target, though. I'm not sure I could... * Fadi looks. "I'm thinking a longbow then, right?" Who else has some gold? Either will work for me. * Chiaki nods at Fadi. "If that's what it's called." Before we start chipping in, though, I found out something interesting. I've got some cash, and some stuff you could sell if you need to. Likewise. What ya got on yer mind, though? Well, you know how we're speaking English and other people call it Common, right? Yeah? What about it? Naturally, English is the most commonly spoken language. Well, it turns out that other languages from our home are different languages here. Really? * Fadi chuckles. "Really now?" So, for instance, I was just speaking Spanish, and the innkeep called it Orcish. * Chiaki taps her chin with a finger. "So there might be others here that speak Japanese, too..." * Emmet raises his eyebrows. Well, you could always give the old guy an example and he can tell you. Hmm, I wonder... Mmm... What are ya wonderin', then? * Nick kneels next to the table, finishing his lunch. Just a minute. * Chiaki finishes her meal, then opens her bag, takes out a pen, and writes something on a piece of notebook paper. She stands up and walks to the innkeeper. "Hello..." * The innkeeper smiles down at Chiaki. "Yes?" * Nick glances over at Chiaki's chair. * Emmet takes this opportunity to look over at Nick. "You could get a couple of bows for us?" I was wondering, sir, if you could tell me what language this is? I could probably get a couple if people pitched in. * Chiaki shows the innkeeper the piece of paper, on which she has scribbled some phrases in Japanese. * The innkeeper frowns. "What's this, then?" I was never particularly interested in archery... Although I have been amused at skeet shooting. * Emmet does a quick personal inventory. "Well, I've got one of those nice shields we grabbed from the goblins, and about 20 solars. Maybe the warhammer, too. I think I want to hang onto the short sword." Yeah, well, I'll let you know if I find a rifle. Well, I've heard that there may be people who use this language around here. Sorry. I can't read. I'm an innkeeper, not a wizard. * Fadi fishes out a pair of very well crafted short swords. "If yer interested, take one." If you can speak it, I might be able to identify it, though. * Nick takes the sheathed sword off his belt and replaces it with one of the new ones. "Don't mind if I do." * Emmet unhooks the shield from its hanger and hands it across to Nick. "This is supposed to be pretty well made, too." Nah, no shield for me. I thought you wanted things to trade for bows. ..Oh, right. Duh. Here, just load me up. * Fadi hmmms and pulls another nice shield out, handing it to Nick. "That should do it." * Nick picks up all the gear and heads out. * Fadi smirks and picks up the last sword. "I'll hang on to one of the swords and a shield as backup, though." * Sophie looks at the sword, then at Fadi. "Where'd you get those?" * Chiaki nods to the Innkeeper, then smiles apologetically. "I'm sorry. Let me try speaking a few phrases, then: Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?" * Emmet grins. "And don't forget arrows." Yeah, yeah. When were raidin' the goblins. Which happened you were conveniently vanished. * The innkeeper brightens. "No, I don't, but I do know that I've only ever heard that phrase from the mouths of elves. Well, half elves, anyway, but still." Hey, Fadi? Oh. You've already got your goblincleaver, toss me the little sword. Elves speak it? Interesting! What about this then: Zhong-wen ting de dong ma?" (And Chiaki's player apologizes for not knowing pinyin romanization. :P) * Fadi raises an eyebrow, then glances back at his sword. "Heh, okay." He tosses the sword (sheathed) under-handed at Nick, making sure to get no rotation on it. * Nick catches it and heads out the door. 'fraid I don't know that one. Sounds kinda like elvish, though. * Fadi glances over at the Innkeeper. "Might as well figure out what I know again, then." He gets up and heads over to the innkeeper. * Chiaki smiles at the innkeeper and bows. "Well, thank you for your help, sir. I appreciate it." * Emmet stays at the table. "I only know English," he admits to Sohpie. * Chiaki returns to the table and sits down. "Well, apparently, my native language is spoken by elves here." She is mystified. * Sophie shrugs at Emmet. "I speak French, but..." Maybe you should figure out who speaks French on this world. We may need it. * Fadi talks to the Innkeeper. "Was wonderin' if you could help me figure out who would know what I speak, as I'm in much a similar problem as Chiaki over there. Mind lendin' me a ear with that?" * Sophie shakes her head. "If I do, I'll know it when they speak to me." * Emmet nods absently, mulling Sophie's reasoning in silence. * The innkeeper quirks an eyebrow. "What's with all this talkin? Don't you KNOW what you speak?" * Chiaki has her attention on the conversation between Fadi and the innkeeper, as she's curious about it too. * Fadi responds in Arabic. "[The languages are different here than where we come from.] That's why it's important for us to figure out what would be appropriate here." * Nick heads back inside, carrying two composite longbows and two quivers, along with a light crossbow. * ..The longbows have little smiley faces on them. * Chiaki glances over as Nick enters the room and raises her eyebrows in surprise when she sees the bows in his hands. * Nick passes the longbows and quivers to Chiaki and Emmet. "One for you, one for you.." He grins and holds up the crossbow. "And one for me." * Emmet looks up when Nick returns, and studies his bow as soon as the resourceful one hands it over. "Thanks... What the--? What's with these faces?" He looks up at Nick again. "And why are you wearing one?" * Chiaki takes the bow in both hands. "Wow, thank you, Nick." She smiles brightly. The holy symbol of Wal, God of Merchants, He Who Cannot Be Undersold. I get a five percent discount at the temple. * The innkeeper looks puzzled, but two heavily armed men stand straight upright and have swords half drawn out of their sheaths by the time FAdi finishes speaking. 'fraid I don't know that one. Don't like the sound of it, though. * Sophie blinks. * Fadi glances at the two heavily armed men. "Apparently they don't either." * Chiaki turns her attention back to Fadi and the innkeeper. "What happened?" * The men stare warily at Fadi. * Emmet nods a bit distantly. "Oh. Well, thanks for the b--" He looks at the men with drawn swords. "Uh-oh." Fadi said the wrong thing. What did he say? Gentlemen, put the weapons away! * The smaller of the two men raises a hand in front of his face and gazes intently at Fadi for a moment, then sheathes his sword again. He motions to his friend, and soon there are no more drawn swords. * Fadi shrugs. "Well, I suppose I'll have to figure it out for myself then. Thanks." * Sophie shrugs. "I've no idea. But whatever it was, it was the wrong thing." * Chiaki relaxes visibly. ..No kidding. * The two men sit down and continue their meal. Anyway, if there's anything else we need before leaving, just give me a little list so I can go shopping. * Fadi smirks at the innkeeper. "Sorry about that." He hands the innkeeper a couple lunars. "Thanks for the trouble." * Fadi heads back to the table. "Apparently arabic is the wrong language here." * Emmet glances quickly around the room and then looks back at Fadi. "You can say that again. I get the feeling we won't want to stay here too long." Weapons-dealer paid a lot for those shields, too. * Fadi sits down. "No kidding. And I didn't even get to ask what Russian was." Sophie had an idea about languages. Maybe we should just take her suggestion. What's that? Don't say it if you don't need to. * Chiaki nods. "I suppose that's safest." Spanish is a much better swearing language, though.. I always thought Arabic was good for swearing. Nobody ever understands what you're really saying. * Chiaki giggles a little. * Emmet grins crookedly. * Fadi grins back. "So, let's get going." * Chiaki nods and stands. "I'm ready." * Sophie stands. "Alright." * Nick shrugs and starts heading for the door. * Chiaki follows Nick outside. * Emmet stands as well. "I'm ready, too." He moves toward the door, too. You know how to ride a horse, Emmet? * Sophie heads out. * Fadi gets up and salutes the men who were (and still are) eyeing him as he heads out. He's got lots of gear on him or on the horse. ^^; Uh, get onto the saddle and hang on? ..Okay, I got the hang of it last night, Sophie has that weird girl thing with horses.. Don't leave me behind if I fall off. * Fadi shrugs. "We got five people and four horses. We having someone double-up?" * Chiaki finds her horse and climbs up, wincing as she is still sore from the last ride. Sure. Emmet, hop on with Sophie, her horse is bigger. * Nick climbs onto Stu, likewise wincing. * Emmet looks up at Sophie's massive horse. "I though you said it wouldn't let anybody else touch it?" * Thundar eyes Emmet and, without words, DARES him to try and mount up. It won't. You'd best ride with Nick. He seems to have all the answers. * Fadi hops onto one of the horses. I feel bad for the horse he's riding, actually. * Sophie pats Thundar. Erm, well.. I dunno. Emmet, want your own horse? * Emmet backs away from the horse. "Don't worry," he says to Thundar, "I'm not going to even try." Maybe. Can we afford one? ..Probably, but I'm saving the gold. No, I was going to suggest that you take Chiaki's and she doubles up with me. * Sophie snickers as she mounts up. * Emmet shrugs, completely without guile on this whole 'who rides with whom' issue. "Whichever works best for everybody." He walks over to Chiaki's horse, prepared to help her dismount (and remount Nick's horse) if necessary. * Chiaki nods and accepts Emmet's hand as she dismounts. "I can ride with Nick." * Nick holds out a hand to Chiaki. Okay. * Emmet struggles up into his newly assigned saddle. * Fadi looks on. * Chiaki smiles as she takes Nick's hand and carefully settles herself on the saddle. * Nick tries not to grin too wide. * Emmet winces and tries to make himself confortable on the saddle, without any apparent luck. "This is going to be a long ride, I can tell." * And so our heroes start out for the distant city of Gateway. Let's hope so. * The ride does, in fact, turn out to be very, very long. The first six hours or so, once you get out of the city, are sheer agony, especially for poor Emmet, who is nearly in tears by the time a place is found that would make a good campsite. * Nick hops off the horse and holds out a hand to Chiaki again. Thanks, Nick. * Chiaki takes Nick's hand and hops down. No problem. I... can't get off of this thing. * Chiaki walks over to Emmet and offers him a hand. * Fadi steadily (and very cautiously, for him) gets out of the saddle. "Why can't we have, ya know, a car with some paved road?" * Emmet grits his teeth against the pain (and the shame) as he accepts Chiaki's help. * Sophie tilts her head at Emmet. "You're joking. Nobody can be that bad." Are you all right, Emmet? Man, I'd kill to blade on some pavement. * Nick heads over and helps Emmet down as well. * Chiaki pats the dust from her skirt and takes her schoolbag from the saddlebags. * Emmet winces when his feet finally touch solid ground. "Thanks, guys. I can't feel my ass, but I think I'll live." Just wait until you can feel it again. * Chiaki laughs. * Emmet discovers that he has trouble closing his legs. * Emmet also discovers that shortly after he gets off the horse, he most certainly CAN feel his ass, much to his dismay. * Nick unbags Stu and ties him up near some grass. * Sophie snickers. She doesn't dismount just yet. Gkk... okay, I can feel it now. I wish I couldn't, though... * Nick appears to be getting the hang of this, though he is still quite sore. * Nick tries not to wince as he heads over to the campsite. "Now, who wants tents?" * Emmet is standing in much the same position in which he had been sitting on the saddle. "My legs feel like hell," he observes. * Chiaki glances at Emmet and smiles sympathetically. "Mine too." * Fadi rolls his joints and tries his best to figure out how to tie-up the horse. * Emmet can only smile helplessly. "So... what do we do with these horses at night? And what was that about tents, Nick?" * Chiaki walks gingerly toward the campsite. * Nick pulls five small tents off the horse, who looks appreciative. Do you need help, Nick? Yeah, we can help ya with that if you need us to. We might need to double-up when the other-- nah, I'm good --two get back.. * Nick half-walks, half-waddles over to the middle of the 'site and deposits them on the ground. * Chiaki nods. "Okay." She sits down carefully nearby, trying not to wince as she does so. You know how to set these up, Emmet? * Fadi um, moves over and starts looking through the tents. How hard do they appear to be to set up? There are many different kinds of... ow... tent... but I'm pretty sure I can handle them. * Emmet waddles painfully over to Nick and helps with the tents. * Fadi shrugs and starts putting one of the tents up then! Go initiative. * Nick aids Emmet as best he can. * Chiaki gets to her feet (albeit painfully) after a bit and goes to help Fadi. * Sophie finally dismounts and, after tending to Thundar, heads over to the others. * Nick stands back from the finished tents about ten minutes later, wobbling on his feet. * Emmet hobbles around the established tents like a bowlegged action figure. "Not bad." So.. tired.. * Fadi walks around, and despite appearing otherwise, he's most likely in as much pain as the rest of you guys. Anyone have any firestarting stuff? * Chiaki pushes the hair back from her face and admires the results of their work. Like, uh, matches? Not I. I was going to buy some when we got to that crossroads town. Then I disappeared. * Chiaki shakes her head. If ya got some flint or something, we can start a fire easy. * Nick pulls a small bag out of his pocket, and dumps a piece of flint and a piece of steel into his palm. Yeah, they've got these kits around here with flint and... yes. That. They're not that hard to use. * Nick offers his palm out to Emmet, then. * Sophie rubs her head. * Emmet takes it. "Great. Fan out and gather some deadwood. Fuel. There's enough around here to start a fire, I think." * Chiaki nods. "I'll help look." * Sophie nods. "Sure, I'll help too." And she starts looking. * Chiaki wanders off to look for wood. * Nick staggers out to do so. * Fadi shrugs and heads off to do that and stuff. * Emmet uses whatever fuel he can gather at actual the campsite to make a little site for the fire and a cleared circle to keept it from getting out of control. Hopefully he can have the fire started before the others get back. * It doesn't take long at all to get a small fire going. * Nick comes back with a decent-sized amount of fallen wood. "So tiiiired.." * Sophie comes back with some deadwood, and puts it near Emmet. Time for the cremation ceremony. * Chiaki returns with wood and adds it to the pile. * Fadi returns with a bunch of wood and plops it nearby so he doesn't smuther the fire. * Emmet adds fuel to the fire as necessary, and builds it to a comfortable but very manageable little blaze. "Okay, we have fire." A pity we don't have marshmellows. * Nick sits on the ground heavily near the fire, pulling out rations. * Chiaki kneels down by the fire and rummages in her bag, taking out a small box and chopsticks. Food... do we have enough, guys? I've got four days' worth. * Fadi empties his backpack. "Well fuck. I don't have anything. Can supply myself if ya don't mind me hunting while we're moving, though." * Sophie rubs her face. "You didn't check to see if we needed any before we left?" Hey, I got you tents. I *asked* if people needed things. * Sophie shrugs. "Well, I guess we'll have to go back to town, then. Hey, hey, don't worry. I can... find something for us. I'll need to sleep in tomorrow if we're going to spend a lot fo time getting and preparing food, though. * Chiaki nods. "I might be able to help a little, too." * Fadi nods. "Likewise." Hm. Well, you guys can probably hunt tomorrow, but tonight.. * Chiaki unwraps the handkerchief from her box and opens it, revealing some rice, salted fish, and pickled vegetables. "I have some food, if anyone would like some..." * Nick pulls out four wrapped bundles. Who needs food? Throw me somethin', but I don't need a lot. * Nick tosses a bundle to Fadi. I would like some, please. I've got a dried meal in my pack. * Nick then tosses a second to Sophie. * Fadi catches it and opens it. * Sophie catches it. * Sophie unwraps the bundle. * Fadi smirks. "Thanks man." He starts munching. * Nick starts chowing down on the third. * Emmet rustles around in his pack, withdraws said ration, and then tucks his pack away with the rest of his gear before eating the ever-popular road fare. * Sophie nods and also offers her thanks, but she'll wait to see what it actually is before eating it. * Chiaki quietly eats her food, offering to share with anyone who wants any. I miss cheeseburgers, I really do. I've always wanted to try an American cheeseburger. I've heard they taste different from the ones we have in Japan. Now that we've got bows, we could probably bring down something with real meat on it. They're rather... very unlike filet mignon. * Nick looks longingly back at the direction they came from for a moment. But on the other hand, they do have cheese. * Fadi shrugs. "Cheese, beef, mustard, what more do ya need?" No mustard, man. Ketchup. Vegetables Some lettuce and tomato's always nice. Oh, and a bun. * Emmet muses between mouthfuls. "I've never had filet mignon. Is it really that good? I heard that Kobe beef in Japan isn't really as good as people say it is, so I have to wonder if it's all just hype." It's all beef. Beef is good. Filet mignon's alright. I rather like it. And roast duck, and... * Nick leans back and uses his backpack as a pillow. * Emmet still hasn't managed to figure out how to sit or lie down without incurring extraordinary pain. * Chiaki finishes her rice and rewraps her lunch box. Yeah, well, hot dogs are the stuff. Easy to carry and a meal on a bun. I like meat that can be identified as meat as first glance. * Nick stands up shakily and grabs the backpack. "Now, can I take first watch?" Aren't you tired, Nick? So tired. * Emmet finishes his meal, such as it is, and manages to lower himself to the ground. At this point he discovers that he can't easily get back up again, and he sighs. "Please do, Nick. If you have to put the fire out, throw dirt on it. You might want to dig some dirt up first, though... we don't have a spade, do we?" But I don't want to get waken up until morning. Why not take last watch, then? I'm not particularly tired, right now. I'd be glad to do it. Just.. go to sleep. I'll split the night with Emmet and Fadi. * Chiaki nods. "I can stay up." * Fadi shrugs. "Sure. Let me know when ya need me to take the watch, and who's up after me." * Nick grins at Chiaki. "Hey, if you want to share my watch, that's cool." * Emmet invents a new form of movement by combining the "crab crawl" with the "seal crawl". He drags himself backwards, and on his back, into the tent. "Wake me when it's my turn," he advises wearily from inside the tent. "You might have to kick me." * Chiaki smiles. "You should sleep if you're tired..." * Sophie shrugs. "Well, if you do mind..." * Nick props himself up on his backpack, crossbow laid across his lap and grinning. "Nah. But my offer still stands." * Emmet promptly falls asleep. Riding horses may be educational, but it sure as hell ain't fun. * Chiaki nods, then smiles. "I can do that." She takes up her bow, quiver, and bookbag. * Fadi gets into one of the tents. "'night guys." Cool. Good night, Fadi. Night, Fadi. Don't worry about wakin' me, by the way. I don't bite... much. * Sophie gets into one of the other tents. "Very well, I'll see you in the morning." * Chiaki says good night to Sophie, as well. * Nick waves to Sophie half-heartedly. Just kick me if I snore. [Session... END]